Chapter 60: Keeper of Secrets

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Trigger warning, by the way. This chapter mentions eating disorders, and though it's not very detailed, I thought that it would be best if I included the warning. If you don't like the chapter, that's okay, you can turn away and wait for next week. It doesn't affect the plot too much and is mostly character development.

(Second person POV)

Sitting down at the first table the two of you came across, you sighed and almost reluctantly picked up the menu that sat folded on the side of your table.

"So..." Vanessa began, taking a menu of her own, "Anything you wanna have?"

With a shrug, you answer, "I'll have whatever you're having. I don't eat much anyway."

"R-really?" the other uttered, looking at you in slight alarm, "I... I didn't plan on having anything..."

Slightly irked, you mutter, "Then why did you suggest coming here in the first place?!"

"You looked pretty tired so I thought maybe a change of pace could lighten you up," she replied, absent-mindedly twirling a stray strand of her long caramel-brown hair. "Besides, there could be some sort of event here that could inspire you. You never know, after all!"

...I suppose... you muttered in your head as you felt yourself slowly force yourself to relax, feeling slightly bad for causing her to get concerned. Scanning the list once more, you wondered what you should have now that you're already here. ...It'd be pretty weird if we sat down and didn't buy anything and then just walked out...

Oooh! This looks pretty good, Koun suddenly grinned, practically laying on your left shoulder as she reached out her right hand and pointed at the picture of a bowl of tonkotsu ramen (豚骨ラーメン (or とんこつラーメン in Hiragana and Katakana (Japanese but for English sounding phonemes)) is a kind of ramen with a broth made from pork bones and typically served with pork / fried pork cutlets).

...Tonkotsu...? you murmured in your head, recalling the time your teacher had made a few bowls from the wild boars you had hunted. It... sounds like something from the ancient language used by Sensei's time... Why is this on a modern-day menu? I thought all the dishes from our-, his time died out...? Is this... another sign that he's here in this land? Or perhaps he's even been to this place and shared his recipe...?

Slamming the menu down on the table with fervour, you declared, "I'll have one serving of this!", startling Vanessa with your new-found determination.

"O-oh, uh, okay," the girl grinned awkwardly, beckoning for the waitress standing next to the cash register. Once the lady approached, she beamed, "One bowl of tonkotsu for my friend here, and I'll have..." Scanning the menu for a minute, her eyes lit up and continued, "A side of gyoza (餃子 in Japanese (ぎょうざ or 'gyoza') or 饺子 (jiaozi) in Chinese means dumplings. The Japanese version applies solely to pan-fried dumplings and traditionally only has pork fillings. Jiaozi, on the other hand, can have different fillings and can be boiled, pan-fried, or steamed), please."

"Alright!" the woman serving the two of you answered before confirming your order and walking away.

"...You didn't want ramen?" you asked your coworker who only shook her head.

"I've been trying to reduce my weight..." Vanessa murmured, almost under her breath, resting her elbows on the table and leaning on her hands, a rare sigh slipping from her lips.

"What kind of diet?" you ask, wanting to see the results of the various types of dietary regimes and their effects. After getting a confused look from the other, you elaborated, "Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Low-Carb?"

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