Chapter 5: Hunt

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(Second person POV)

Changing out of the clothes you wear when practising your swordsmanship (or swordswomanship in this case), you slipped on a hard leather jacket and your hunting boots, a bow in hand and a full quiver in your pocket dimension at the ready. Picking up Dart, you held her gently as you activated your spacial element, teleporting on the edge of the lake that the waterfall spilt into. "Now then, let's see what we get today..." you muttered softly, placing the creature down and lightly treading the ground to not disturb any possible game that may appear.

As if sensing your change in attitude, Dart fell silent and also gently walked next to you, avoiding any fallen autumn foliage to not alert any of your prey. Giving her a grateful smile, you turned your attention away from your little dragon companion and to the environment around you. Let's try something... a little different today... you thought, deciding to use your mind element instead of the usual combination of sound and space. Closing your eyes, you channelled your mana and felt your power activate. 

Despite not being able to see with your 'eyes', so to speak, you were able to get a clear view of your surroundings in a monotone grey shade as if someone used a grey smoke to cloud your vision. Rushing over the uneven terrain, you saw what appeared to be a mist surrounding the group of deers, the ambience around them constantly fluctuating like a haze that had come alive. How... odd... you thought, observing this cloud as much as possible, trying to gain information.

Reopening your eyes, you pulled out a type of notebook called a 'sketchbook', one with a coin-grey leather cover and a sharp pencil, ready for use. Flipping to the latest page, you began drawing down what you had seen from memory, finding that you were able to copy down the image like some sort of machine. It was as if each time you blinked, a shutter went off and took a picture of the scenery you saw, the photograph in the back of your mind which you were then able to transfer on paper by hand. Feeling pleased with your realistic-looking landscape portrait, you returned the objects to your pocket dimension in exchange for your bow and an arrow.

One was all you need since with your combination of powers, your weapons never miss their intended mark unless external factors were preventing it from happening. Well then, you thought, taking in a deep breath and drawing the bow string so far that the entire weapon was in the shape of a full moon. Let's begin...

Letting go of the string and allowing the arrow to fly true, you closed your eyes and focused on the projectile, hearing the twang of the thin thread snap forward and propel the sharp weapon towards your target: a deer hidden in thickets in the distance. Manipulating the wind, you forced the arrow forward, allowing it to dart between the thick branches of the trees before hitting its mark as the dying wail of a doe rang out through the forest, startling the nearby fowl into taking flight. "It certainly seems like I've hit the bull's eye," you snickered to yourself, as you made your way through the woods, "Well, more like deer's eye, but you get the gist."

Examining the animal that was now bleeding out onto the cold forest floor, you crouched down and folded your hands together, praying just like how Kusho Sensei taught you. You had taken a life for your own needs, thus you must pray and thank it for taking care of your own needs in exchange for its own life. Reopening your eyes, you let out a small sigh of pity, gently stroking the deceased animal's blood-stained hide, feeling remorse at the slaughtering of such a beautiful creature. But you had to eat and it was the prey. That was the natural order in a dog-eat-dog world such as this one.

Pulling the weapon out of the deer's skull, you found that a section of the arrowhead had penetrated the brain, killing it almost instantly and leaving it little to no time to savour the pain. Well, that's a good thing. At least it didn't suffer too much before leaving to the departed realm-

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