Chapter 42: Reader's discretion is advised!

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Quick author's note! This chapter may have some very disturbing things including violence and forms of torture that might not sit well with some audience members. Just wanted to throw it out there so that you are mentally prepared :)

(Second person POV)

(Time skip - 1 hour)

Letting out a soft sigh, you walk out of the café Catherine owned and into the alleyway that had now become rather familiar to you with all of that teleporting from there. Running a hand through your hair, you wondered whether you had done the right thing, telling the lady that you wouldn't be able to come for work and visits for a while.

Well, it's better than just leaving without a word... you muttered as Koun nodded alongside you.

Right? I woulda just left, she shrugged, floating in midair without a care in the world, Well, I probably wouldn't have gotten them attached to me in the first place...

There's little to doubt about that, you reply with a wry smile as you felt your space element gather at your fingertips, lighting up the darkness of the backstreet with a soft periwinkle glow. ...Just in case... you thought to yourself as you created a portal over the shop, though you didn't need to as Dart could protect Catherine well enough. Even so, you weren't about to take any chances.

Casting a portal that made people that were not the two you were trying to protect reappear back in the spot they started, you rolled your arm in its socket, arms slightly strained from the use of your power. Looking up at the starless sky, you let out a sigh, knowing this will inevitably prevent customers and the staff from entering Café Rosé, but it was worth it if it meant keeping Dart and this anomaly of a human safe.

Activating your teleportation ability, you instantly transported yourself onto the bare deck of the Destiny's Bounty, the familiarity of the place making you feel slightly more at ease. Still, you didn't — couldn't — allow yourself to relax just yet. Lloyd was missing and may be in possible —no, probable — danger and there were little to no clues to his location.

Heading below deck, you heard the sound of someone talking echo through the hallway, following the voice to its source. "He was all mysterious, never said a word," Kai revealed to his friends that were listening intensively while brushing their teeth, "And then handed me the Golden Weapons and poof! He was gone."

Guessing this 'he' was the Samurai the four ninja were so interested in, you crossed your arms over your chest as you leaned against the buttermilk-coloured walls and listened in.

"Poof?" Cole gawked, turning from the sink to look at the male in red, "He just- poofed?!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Jay interrupts, "Wait a minute, Kai. If the Samurai had his hands on four of the most powerful weapons in the whole wide world, why would he just give them back to you?"

"Mhn... I dunno," the fire elemental shrugged as you smirked in amusement.

He sucks so bad at lying... you snickered to Koun who adamantly agreed as you noticed Nya walk around the corner, stopping in front of you and giving you a shy smile.

"Maybe she-" the male continued, only for his sister to tense up and give him a quick shake of her head, "-I mean, he's not so bad after all. All I do know is that we owe him our lives. Maybe he's made us all a little better..."

"I sense this means the bet is off," Zane remarks before continuing to brush his teeth.

"More importantly," Master Wu mutters, "My nephew has found his way into the den of all snakes," Hearing this, you tensed up, hand curling into a fist as you silently curse yourself for not taking good enough care of the boy. "I fear there may be no way of rescuing him now."

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