Chapter 39: ...Is this how you treat all customers or...?

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(Second person POV)

Ripping open the seal on the letter, you rushedly skimmed the paper inside, finding nothing more than a single address written on the page. Letting out a soft sigh, you didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried now that you had discovered your teacher's whereabouts. On the one hand, the two of you could finally be reunited and everything could return to the way it was. On the other, you still didn't understand why he left you in the first place, which could cause further problems in the future.

Running a hand through your hair, an action you found yourself doing rather often these days. I should bring Dart with me, you thought, your stomach doing nervous backflips as you couldn't help but bite on the inside of your cheek, I'm sure she'd be very excited to see her 'grandpa' again after so long.

And what about the others? Koun piped up, her arms crossed over her chest with a serious expression on her face.

What others?

Y'know, those guys... Cole, Jay, Zane, Kai, Nya, Lloyd... and Master Wu, she answered with a humourless expression on her face, something rather rare for someone as fun-seeking as herself.

...I'm sure they'll understand, you reply, walking into your room and gently waking up your little dragon before wrapping her around your neck. I've mentioned leaving before, so it surely wouldn't surprise them if I were gone. Besides, our connection, whether it be emotional or in status, is not very deep.

Letting out a snort of amusement and disbelief, the silhouette gave you a shrug, answering You do you, girlie. The quicker we find your teacher, the quicker we can find my dad. Besides, I'm not one for staying in one place either, so I can totally understand where you're coming from.

Softly sighing to yourself, you found yourself feeling... glad? Or perhaps you were almost saddened that your journey with them is almost over?

In either case, you thought to yourself, making your way to the upper deck, I should get to this location first...

With that, you leapt over the edge with the wind brushing through your hair, growing to enjoy the liberating feeling of falling through the sky with no worries. Well, other than the yelp of alarm that came from Dart who clearly did not enjoy this abrupt awakening and another voice screaming out your name in alarm.

In the corner of your eye, you caught sight of a familiar girl in her satin-red qipao ('qipao' or 旗袍 is also known as the 'cheongsam' or the 'mandarin gown'. It is a Chinese dress worn by women which takes inspiration from 'qizhuang', the ethnic clothing worn by the Manchu people) staring at you, eyes blown wide with disbelief and fear, her hand outstretched towards you as she leaned on the railing.

...How dangerous... you thought as you focused on controlling your teleportation powers, confused as to why Nya would place herself in danger for no apparent reason.

Ugh... Koun groaned next to you, floating slightly off to the right as she rolls her eyes, She's worried about you, dumbass. She thinks you're gonna die and was trying to save you.

Well, that's stupid, you sigh flatly as gravity pulls you through a blanket of clouds, effectively cutting anyone's view of you, There was no reason for her to be concerned or try to save me.

Yeah, yeah, 'cause emotions are useless and all, the silhouette huffed, still not convinced despite the two of you going over this multiple times. Like, I get that logic is good, but like, you gotta take people's feelings into account once in a while.

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