Part III: The Journey

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In shadows cast by destiny's veil,
A journey unfolds, a tale to unveil.
Bestowed upon a humble servant's fate,
The prophecy whispers, anticipation creates.

From fields and furrows, a peasant's birth,
Yet destined to ascend the realms of worth.
Is this Enchantria's intricate design,
Or a chord in the symphony of its decline?

The Avallons, echoes of bygone lore,
Their return, a question lingering evermore.
Will he, with pardons, his courage concede,
Or forge ahead, where destiny shall lead?

Through enchanted lands, the young one strides,
Past ancient forests where the magic abides.
Bearing the weight of prophecy's call,
In each step, deciding Enchantria's rise or fall.

Amidst the whispers of the evergreen,
A tapestry of destiny yet unseen.
Will he find solace in the Avallon's lore,
Or unravel a truth, hidden evermore?

In the dance of stars, a celestial plea,
A servant's journey or destiny's decree?
As Enchantria watches, silent and wise,
The young one's fate in destiny lies.



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