Birthday treat| 18+

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The whole ride to the penthouse I was on the phone with a guy from my business.

I had to speak Italian because I didn't want lily to know what we are talking about.

We've been searching up Lily's family.
I just get a bad vibe from her dad. The time when he was giving me her he told me I could beat her if needed.

That's just not something to say. We're about 30 minutes away from the house.  Lily is looking out window. She looks very bored.

I move my hand over onto her thigh making her jump.

Talking on the phone feels like forever. And I feel bad for Lily cause she looks like shes uncomfortable because she doesn't know what to do nor to say.

We have about 10 minutes left.

Which those 10 minutes are filled with me on the phone and Lily not knowing what to do.

At the new house

We get there and I pull her into the lobby like a happy kid.

"You ready?" I asked. And she shook her head yes.

I pulled her over to the elevator and put in the highest number, 54.

The elevator door opens to a beautiful white marvel entrance. Then goes into a open place, to the right there the kitchen. Back into a little corner. Then there's the dining table. I let her go over there to check out then head over the the left.

We cross over the entrance path over to the other side. I show her that like the kitchen. Stairs to the  upstairs is there. But before we go up stairs there 2 doors. 1 leads to the pool room and the other goes to a gaming room.

Now we go upstairs. We get up there and there's just a hall of room. The very far back is my office. The door across and 2 doors down is our room. The others are bedrooms and two are bathrooms.
(Their bathroom is connected to their room)

"Next step is to actually claim this place." I say in a sigh.

But confusion is written all over Lilly's face.
I start undoing my tie. I grab her hands and pull her towards me.

"Where was your favorite place so far?" I ask her.
It takes her awhile. She's really thinking about it.

"Umm...-" she takes a pause. "The kitchen." She finished. I picked her up and took her down the stairs.

Over to the kitchen and sat her on the counter.

Lilys pov

I knew what he was talking about but I was to embarrassed to say i did know..

He took me downstairs to the kitchen. He sat me up on the counter.  And started kissing my exposed neck while moving my dress strap off my shoulder.

Time moved fast cause now my clothes were off, am a moaning mess due to ace moving in and out of me.

I was bent over the counter. My legs are shaking so bad, I feel like I might collapse.

The arrange marriage with ace |18+)✔️Where stories live. Discover now