I furrow my brows, unsure of who would be at my door at this hour.

I hear a knock again and get the door, it's Teresa. I look at her once it's open, with a clearly pissed off expression. Looking at her again my expression softens and wait I for her to speak, she looks worried.

"Señor Parca, siento molestarte, la chica de abajo está enferma."

(Mr Parca, sorry to bother you, but the girl downstairs is unwell.)

"What happened?"

A bunch of shit runs through my mind but the first is hoping that I don't have a dead girl in the room downstairs.

"I- I went to deliver clean clothes." She demonstrates with the corresponding actions and continues. "Then the girl, she is breathing heavily and- Dios Mio." She pauses again. "And she is sweating and breathing heavily, Señor she is very sick."

"Okay." I say calmly, remaining composed while I figure out what the fuck I should do next.

"Thanks for yelling me, I'll handle it."

She looks at me with worried eyes before turning away to walk down the stairs. As she does so I turn to get my phone and make my way down to the room Breo's in.

"Move." I say to the guy in front of the door, who steps aside hastily as I enter the room.

"No one comes in or out unless I say so, okay?" He nods and I close the door behind me. Shit, she really is sick.

I look at her laying down for a moment, all sweaty and shivering just like Teresa said.

"Fuck." I say to myself out loud. How the hell am I going to fix this?

I pull out my phone and call G, he stays on the property but asking one of my guys to look for him and bring him here will just cause panic, I need to handle this shit privately.

"Yeah?" G says faintly, he must've been asleep, good to know I can always count on him.

"G, you know the girl from yesterday?" I say while walking away from the bed, making sure to stay quiet so I don't wake her up.

"Uh...yeah?" He replies, while he yawns right down the phone.

"Somethings wrong with her man, she's sick or some shit." My tone stays calm, cold even- but right now this shit could go all kinds of ways and none of them seem good right now.

"What?" I hear him get up, followed by a faint conversation between him and a girl in the background, the pendejo must've brought a jaina back home last night, typical.

"I'm coming up."

"Cool." I respond, hanging up so I don't have to hear whatever him and that girl have going on.

Walking back to the bed I move the blankets away from her, she must be burning up- her thick head of hair probably isn't helping with that either. I open up the drawer on the bed side table and pull out a remote, pointing it at the wall to start the AC, that should help.

I look through my phone again, thinking of who to call. I'm not no doctor and all the guys here can do about enough to pull out a bullet or two, but this shit seems complicated.

I hear G talking to the guy outside the door and I call for him open it, letting him in while closing the door behind him.

"Shit J what happened?" He starts pacing up and down the room like she already dead, he's always been quick to panic.

"I don't know but I'll figure it out."

"You'll figure it out." He points to me, laughing before pacing back and forth again. "What, you a doctor or something?" He looks at her on the bed and then runs his hands through his hair, resting them on the back of his neck. "I mean look at her J, look!"

"Hey calm down." He seems more stressed than the girl who's actually sick.

Realising what we have to do I sit G down on the couch across from the bed, he's not gonna like what I'm about to say.


"Yeah bro?"

"We're gonna have to call Carmen." He looks at me with wide eyes like I've just fucked his girl or something, I didn't think it would be that serious.

He stands up as soon as I finish my sentence. "Carmen?" He pauses to look at me again. "No fucking way bro, no way."

"She's a doctor and she's worked with us." I explain, trying to reason with him. I could call her anyway but running the decision by him is the only way he won't complain about this until I have to shoot him in the head.

"No no we just broke up bro, I don't wanna see her." I remain seated, watching him pace back and forth again in front of me, he really can't calm down.

"Shit you don't have to see her, you don't even have to be in the room when she gets here."

He shakes his head, "There are other guys that can fix this."

"Look, I know we've got guys, but this shit is different. You get shot sure they can help, lose a limb, get your hand chopped off, they can do enough so you don't end up a wasted motherfucker. But we can't take this girl to a hospital. Guys like us bring in a girl that look like she got beat on and they'll start asking questions, we don't need that heat right now."

He stops pacing to look at me briefly, I know he's annoyed but he also knows I'm right. Carmen will know what to do.

"I knew this shit would get complicated." He runs his hand through his hair again, moving it out of his face. He was getting paler by the minute.

"Nothing is complicated. There's a problem and we have a solution, simple."

"A-Alright but I'm calling Carmen."

"Fine by me."

He nods and pulls out his phone, exposing the gun in his waistband. Noticing it I laugh a little. "You brought a gun when I told you there's a sick girl in the room?"

He shrugs and continues to go through his phone. "Shit I don't know what the hell she's sick with, could've been something else."

I laugh again, he's a paranoid motherfucker.

"Yeah whatever man. Just tell Carmen to bring all the shit she can get, she got beat on before this, something is probably broken or some shit like that."


He walks away from me towards the bathroom door, closing it behind him before I hear a "Hello?" on the other line.

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