Chapter 12: Norberta

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, little sis." I said, patting her head.

"Little sis?" Jasper questioned.

"You can tell him." I said to Luna, before departing.

After departing from Luna and Jasper, I went to find Krum. Knowing where he was last time, I headed to the library. I arrived and saw Krum surrounded by his fan girls, though he was trying to look elsewhere. He was trying to look at Hermione, who seemed to be helping Harry, as he probably told her about the dragons.

I walked up to Krum and cleared my throat. His fan girls turned to me with sour looks. "Krum, a word?" I said, gesturing my head to the side.

Krum nodded and said, "Excuse me." to his fan girls. They groaned at me, but I just ignored them. I led Krum to a secluded area in the library.

"The first task is dragons." I told him. "There's one for each of us."

"How do you know this?" He asked.

Not wanting to sell Hagrid out, I said, "I got an anonymous tip. But it wouldn't be fair to you if you didn't know, so."

"I see, thanks." Krum said. I nodded and we went our separate ways.

On my way out I ran into Harry and Hermione leaving the library. "Raven, hi." Hermione said, as we exited the library. "Harry and I were just trying to figure out a way to deal with the dragons."

"The books we found were useless though." Harry said. "They were all about treating dragons. We're doomed at this point."

"Do you have a plan for your dragon, Raven?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, I'm all set, it's Harry we need to worry about." I said.

"And what exactly is your plan?" Hermione asked suspiciously. "Don't tell me you plan on trying to tame it?"

"That's exactly what I will do." I stated.

"Raven." Hermione sighed. "This is a dragon we're talking about, they're very dangerous, you need to take this seriously!"

"I am." I said confidently. "Besides, you've seen me in action."

"Flipping over my disarming spell is VERY different compared to fighting a dragon." Hermione said.

"I've improved since then." I said. "But I'm serious, I'll be fine. I'm not going to die to a dragon."

"You don't know that!" Hermione protested.

"Look." I sighed. "I'm not going to die and neither is Harry, but I can't promise we won't get hurt. So trust me, Hermione."

"I do, it's just...I'm scared for you both." Hermione said.

"I appreciate that." I said sincerely. "But let's just help Harry out, I'm not worried about me." I said.

"Alright." Hermione sighed. "What do you have in mind to begin with?"

"Well, Harry do you know the Conjunctivitis Curse?" I asked.

"The what?" Harry questioned.

"Guess not." I said. "It's a spell you can use to target the dragon's eyes to cause irritation. It could give you some breathing room. Do you think you could use it if I taught you?"

"I don't know." Harry said. "What if I miss? I'll have no backup plan."

"True, you'll need more than one just in case." I said. "Let's head to lunch and brainstorm there. Maybe we'll think of something to help Harry and possibly me, after eating some food."

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