Episode 15: The Chunnin Exams: Part Two! The Forest of Death!

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But Izumi's grandmother persisted, her spirit unbroken even in the face of unimaginable suffering.

As they emerged from the hideout's darkness, the distant streetlights of the Hidden Leaf village beckoned like a beacon of hope, a sanctuary amidst the devastation of their broken existence. 

Izumi's grandmother plowed forth with every ounce of strength she could muster, her resolve unflinching in the face of sorrow.

But fate seemed to have other intentions.

As they approached the boundaries of the settlement, Izumi's grandma faltered, her power dwindling with each passing instant.

With tears in her eyes and a prayer on her lips, she put Izumi at the foot of the village gates, her heart heavy with the weight of a sacrifice made for love.

And then, with a final, whispered plea for forgiveness, Izumi's grandmother died of her wounds, her spirit soaring free as her body shattered under the weight of her sacrifice.

During that moment of despair, fate intervened in the person of Shikaku Nara, a vigilant protector of the Hidden Leaf community.

As he passed by, his sharp eyes took sight of the injured child lying at the village entrance.

Shikaku acted without hesitation, his senses honed by years of service to his village.

He despatched a messenger bird to the Hokage, informing him of the horror that had occurred at the village's entrance, before cradling Izumi into his arms and rushing her to the village hospital.

His heart ached for the young girl who lay so vulnerable in his grasp, her life hanging in balance by the violence of the world outside their village gates.

With each frantic step, Shikaku's mind raced with memories of his own son, Shikamaru, who was the same age as Izumi.

The image of his own child going through such anguish filled him with great protectiveness, a vow to safeguard Izumi from any further harm.

"I've got you, little one," Shikaku said quietly, his voice a comforting salve against the pandemonium. "Hang in there. We're almost at the hospital."

Izumi stirred in his arms, her breathing shallow and raspy, her petite frame trembling from the weight of her injuries.

Shikaku's heart constricted with relief and pain as he approached the hospital entrance.

"If only we had found you sooner," Shikaku said quietly, his voice weighted with grief. "I promise, we'll do everything we can to make it right."

As Shikaku took Izumi through the doors, the hospital staff reacted with hurry and determination.

Doctors and nurses operated with experienced precision, their hands kind yet firm as they cared for Izumi's injuries with unflinching attention.

As Izumi was rushed away for treatment, Shikaku waited in the corridor, his heart heavy with duty.

He knew that no matter what happened, he would do everything in his power to ensure Izumi's recovery, to protect her from the horrors that had brought her to their doorstep.

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