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Her fingers were gentle as she changed the bandages around Carl's eye, briefly inspecting the wound, even though it made him a little uncomfortable, but he knew it needed to be done. She adjusted the bandage over his eye, reaching up and adjusting his hair just the way he preferred it so the eye was covered,

"You're good to go" she informed

"Thanks, Sonny" Carl replied

She gave him a small nod, turning her attention toward Bucky and Lucky when they let out low growls, causing her to walk over to the door, a faint banging filling her ears, which grew louder when she opened the door. Her eyebrows were furrowed slightly at the sight of people she didn't recognize, which she had to assume we're the Saviors, and she was now glad she hid more of her medical supplies in a hidden compartment in the bedroom closet. As usual, she was prepared for the worst. She snapped her fingers, Bucky and Lucky getting up from their beds, following her out of the infirmary, some of the people pushing past her, making their way inside the building. People made their way inside houses, taking whatever catches their eye, those who lived in Alexandria stepped to the side, having no choice but to let it happen, because they didn't know what would happen if they fought back.


She whipped around at the voice, watching with widened eyes as one of the men shoved her son to the ground, a cry emitting from him as he hit head head. Rage quickly filled Sonny, her hands clenching into fists as she ran over to the man without a second thought, her first making contact with his jaw, which caused him to stumble back. She landed a hard punch to his stomach, followed by a left uppercut to his chin, which made him fall back to the floor. Sonny got on top of him, hitting him in his face a few times before letting out a yell as she was pulled off of him. Her arms were held, grunts emitted from her as she was hit in the stomach, but she was filled with adrenaline, glaring at the other man, even as he punched her in the cheek. A spartan kick to the stomach knocked her down, causing her to clutch the area in pain, but only for a moment, forcing herself to her hands and knees, grunting as she was kicked in the stomach again, knocking her back to the ground.

Before another kick could make contact, a knife entered his ankle, causing a scream in pain to emit from him, Sonny pushing herself to her feet, swinging her hand, causing the back of her fist to hand in the other man's nose. She took her retractable bo staff from her pocket, pushing the small lever and allowing it to extend to it's full length of six feet, whipping around and knocking the fourth man in the cheek.

"You stupid bitch!" The first male exclaimed "just wait until Negan is done with you. You're gonna wish for death"

"Not as much as you will for hurting my son!" She replied, glaring at him

"What the shit is going on here?" Another man asked

"Sonny, what are you doing?!" Rick asked

"This bitch attacked us" the man replied, pointing to Sonny

He still stood in front of Jaxon, which caused her to swing the staff, hitting him in the head and knocking him to the floor. She dropped her weapon, hurrying over to her son and dropping to her knees,

"Shh, shh, shh, shh" she soothed as he cried

People surveyed the scene, Rick instantly getting the picture. The man she hit had shoved Jaxon to the ground, and she was just protecting him, watching as she inspected the side of his head, at the right corner of his hairline where a small cut lay. It was small, but it was bleeding a little more than it should have been, causing her to look around, taking a handkerchief from the man she knocked down, gently pressing it to his wound, soothing him as he cried,

"Momma's gonna make it better, okay?" tears forming in her eyes "okay? I promise"

She held him close, looking around at the people that surrounded them, her hands shaking due to the adrenaline that was still pumping through her veins. Her eyes landed on the man with a wooden baseball bat resting on his shoulder, barbed wire wrapped around it, her eyes widening slightly as a chuckle emitted from him,

"Well, ho-ly shit" he said as Sonny looked back at her son "I never thought I would ever see you again"

Sonny picked up her son with a small grunt, her adrenaline wearing off and the pain beginning to settle in.

"Tell me, what is going on here?" taking slow steps forward

"I told you, Negan" the first man said "this bitch attacked us out of no where"

"And in the process of attacking you, she also shoved a kid to the floor?" He asked, looking at him, playfully swinging the bat "is that right?"

Rick walked over to her as she looked around, her eyes landing on Daryl, who stood in the back of the crowd, wearing a dirty pair of sweats and a matching pullover with the letter A spray painted on the front. His feet sported boots that were near the end of their use, his skin was filthy, his hair was oily, his bottom lip was busted as there was a noticable bruise around his eye. She looked down at his hands, watching as his index finger twitched three times while looking at her. Her bottom lip was busted, a small cut on her cheekbone, which was definitely going to bruise and her nose bleeding but not broken, he didn't want to think about the bruises she was going to have on her stomach. She lightly patted Jaxon's back three times, which seemed as if she was comforting him, but was also responding to Daryl's gesture.

"The brat got in my way" Negan's man said, lowering his gaze

"So that gives you the right to shove a kid to the hard ground?" walking toward him "look at him" moving to the side

His eyes nervously looked at the toddler, whose crying ceased to a few sniffles, the blood flow slowing down a lot, which was a good thing.

"That shit does not fly with me" he continued "no, siree. Take these men away, put them in the back of the truck"

More of Negan's men stepped forward, lifting the three men she had knocked down, and taking the one in front of him away, leading them to the front gate,

"What's your name?" Negan asked, looking at the woman

". . Maison" she replied "Maison Winters. Everyone calls me Sonny"

"Well, Sonny" he smirked "pack your shit. You . ." pointing the bat toward her and Jaxon "you are coming with me"

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