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Luck means success or failure brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.

That how it's always been for Sonny, always on the good side of luck and never on the bad. But she didn't know why she was so lucky, she did know it happened after she was taken away from her abusive father. Now, when the world ended, her luck didn't seem to run out like she had expected. The dead roamed the earth, eating the living, there was no choice but to survive, scavenging what you can for food and water. She had no choice but to kill or avoid the dead, and the same went for the living, but she was lucky enough to not have to deal with the living as much. Sonny knew the end of the world would either bring out the best in someone, or the worst. She didn't know which side in her had risen, but she had seen the worst in people first hand, watching as a group of people killed her one of her good friends. He refused to tell them where she was, and she was following his order to run if anything happened to him.

Since then, she did her best to avoid people all together. Three months after the start, she was alone, not knowing where her brothers were or if they were alive, but her twin had to be. Sonny would have felt if something was wrong with him, it was a twin thing they shared. As she walked down a deserted road, the hot sun beat down on her frame, her boots thumping on the floor and the sound of nails clicking on the pavement was the only thing she heard along with heavy breathing. A German Shepherd walked at her right, a German Shorthaired Pointer at her left, two very different dogs, but both equally protective of their owner. The dog at her right had been named Bucky when he found her a month after she had been alone, the dog to her left – Lucky – found them days after that, and they had been by her side since then. Sonny couldn't complain, knowing she wouldn't be completely alone after that, something she was thankful for.

The dogs were very smart, and with the constant training since they were pups, they became skillful in the undead world. Bucky knew what to look for when they were searching through buildings, whether it be canned food or some kind of medicine she could possibly use. Lucky often stayed with her when they were in buildings, mostly because he could sense the undead approaching before she could, and a small growl was the only nothing she needed in order for her to know. They protected her, and she protected them. Her weapons mostly consisted of knives – two twin blades, another blade, two sets of throwing knives and a bowie knife – a retractable bo staff, and one gun with four full clips from her friend, that she only used for emergencies. She was well equipped, and with her history – her job before the start – she knew exactly where to cut and were to hit to cause the most damage.

Sonny couldn't help the small sigh that emitted from her nose, her gaze slowly rising to the sky to see the position of the sun, knowing she needed to find a place to stay for the night and soon. The undead lurked around every corner, and it was even more dangerous at night, especially for one person on their own with two dogs. She needed to keep going.

There has to be something around here somewhere

Blowing a curly lock of hair away from her face, Sonny kept walking, her gaze lowering to the floor, having a good feeling that she would find something before nightfall, even if she hadn't seen any buildings during her all-day walk. Her feet ached, but that was nothing new, she had long grown used to being on her feet all day, her back hurt because of her backpack filled with supplies, her shoulder hurt due to the heavy duffle bag she carried. But again, it was nothing new. Raising her hands, she held on to the straps of her backpack, wondering where her brothers were and if they were together, or if they were even looking for her. She wasn't the most social person before the start, mostly just working, going home to sleep, occasionally stopping at the bar across the street from her job and starting the day over again, going to her self-defense class on her days off and grocery shopping after, along with house chores. It was a routine she liked and her brothers understood that.

However, since the world came to an end, her routine drastically changed. Now, she had to fight to see another day, scavenge for food and water, staying on the move, constantly wondering if she would be able to survive to the end. The low rumble of her stomach filled her ears, her eyes closing for a brief second as the sound quickly faded, knowing she needed to eat soon, and she was sure Bucky and Lucky could use some food and water. Sonny let her right hand fall to her side, another small sigh emitting from her nose, stopping when she finally saw a road that turned in a different direction, one with two lanes, meaning there were buildings close by. Hopefully she can find a small building, make sure it was secure and get some much needed rest, knowing full well that she was practically running on fumes. She turned down the road, her guard high, on alert for any form of threat.

She wasn't sure how long she walked, but the sun was beginning to set, a small smile forming on her lips when she saw a small cabin, causing her to instantly walk over to it. Bucky and Lucky instantly sniffed around for any of the undead, Sonny removing her twin blades from their sheath when she heard that small growl from the Pointer. Her blades were at the ready, slowly walking up the three steps to the porch of the cabin, hesitantly reaching for the door handle and yanking it open. One swing to the head instantly killed the single undead that approached her, watching as the body fell to the floor, Bucky grabbing it's old shirt with it's teeth, dragging it down the rest of the way as Lucky sniffed out the inside. A small bark indicated that it was all clear, allowing Sonny to walk inside, Bucky following his master, the woman shutting the door and making sure it was secure, but she wanted to find something heavy to make sure it wouldn't budge.

The cabin was a little bigger on the inside, it was still smaller than she had seen, but it was a perfect place to hunker down for the night. The windows were already boarded up, one less thing she needed to do, setting her blades and bags down, walking over to the end of a single shelf pushing it over toward the door. There was a heavy weight to the shelf, knowing it would take a good few undead to break through. When the shelf was in front of the door, Sonny took a moment to breathe, walking around the cabin to see if there was anything she could use, the cabin consisting of one bedroom, a very small bathroom, kitchen and living room. Bucky and Lucky sniffing around the cabin, looking to see what they could find as well.

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