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Journal entry - 304

The world is the same.

The dead walk the earth and we have to fight them while fearing the living. Scavenging for food and water whenever we get the chance to, especially now that we have more people and find more at least once a week. More mouths to feed, strength in numbers, ringing the dinner bell for the walkers that continue to push against the fences. But somehow, we always make it work. Hunting has become easier now that there were two hunters in the prison, Daryl and I are able to bring back more food whenever we can. Providing for the group, which seems to give me a sense of satisfaction, like I'm actually worth something, even though I also provide medical attention when needed. Becoming the unintentional-but-it-sure-as-shit-came-in-handy field medic for the group while Dr. S takes care of the others here. I think it gives everyone a peace of mind that there's someone out there to patch them up.

But one thing has bothered me since the merger of Woodbury and the Prison, no sign of the Governor. There's no proof that he's dead, and I won't be convinced until I see a body, and I'm sure Daryl and Michonne feel the same way. A satisfaction in knowing that the threat against everything we've worked hard for is gone for good. Other than the threat against our home, there is one little man that always makes me smile, despite any bad situation, even just the mere thought of him. Jaxon grows more and more every day, he knows who his momma is, but I wonder if I should tell him how he became my son when he's older? It wouldn't matter though, I would still be his mother, since blood doesn't make a family, which seems to grow every time we accept new people.

With the population in the prison growing, Rick decided to step down as our leader, all decisions are now made by a council. We often hold meetings and make decisions for the well-being of our little community. It was formed a few days after the merger in response to Rick's decision to surrender his role. The council's purpose was to make rules and decisions in the prison, effectively changing the government of the prison from autocracy to democracy. Hershel is the head of the council, then Glenn, Daryl, Carol and I, as well as Sasha. Some choices are difficult, but we make it work.

We have to

The entry was enough to explain what had happened over the last few months, Sonny reading over the words, giving it a once over to make sure she didn't miss anything. She started writing when the world went to hell, a few days after she and her mentor made it out of the hospital and out of the city, something to keep herself sane, to document everything she's been through, and even while she was with the group, she still continued to write. Some people would often catch her with her journal, being nosey and asking her what she was doing or trying to read over her shoulder. None of what she writes was considered private, she'd let people read it if they asked. The entries weren't every single day, it would be a week or two before she wrote again, unless something happened in the prison. A low sigh emitted from her nose as she closed the journal, putting the pen behind her ear as she put the book in her bag, pulling out another one that she used for her inventory, which is what she was going to do next.

She had woken up early that morning for no reason, and for the life of her, she was unable to go back to sleep, so she saw no harm in getting an early start, Bucky and Lucky staying in their beds in the corner of the infirmary to keep her company, since the two didn't care for the other children in the prison. Sonny could understand that, since they would often pull on their fur and tails, no matter how much she instructed them not to. None of their parents did anything about it, so Sonny thought it would be best if they just stuck with her, and the dogs seemed to appreciate that. They didn't care for the older children, but they were perfectly fine with Jaxon and Judith. Removing the pen from behind her ear, Sonny opened one of the cabinets, pulling down the items from the bottom shelf, opening her inventory log and counting the items she had.

The council thought it would be a good idea to have two infirmaries open in case one happened to be at full capacity, so she was counting the supplies she had and adding what she had gotten at Big Spot. She wrote down the names of the items, followed by the amount, neatly putting them back on thr shelf before moving to the second one, leaving a few of them out so she could stock an emergency kit, which is what she had under her bed. Everyone understood what she wanted to do, always saying there was no such thing as too many medical supplies, so whenever they found something they knew she would be able to use, they'd leave it on her bed or on the table in the infirmary. But since there were a lot of people in the prison, that meant they needed to get as much as they could. Sonny looked over toward the dogs when they let out low growls, then looking toward the entrance of the infirmary, Bucky and Lucky's tails beginning to wag as a familiar figure walked in,

"Hey" she greeted, turning back to the cabinets, continuing to work

"Hey" Daryl greeted, stopping by the dogs, scratching the top of their heads "couldn't find ya in your cell, everyone got worried. Kept trying to tell them you wouldn't leave the prison without your bow or gun"

"I've been here" putting the items back on the shelf

"All morning?" walking over to her, leaning back on the counter next to her

"Yeah" counting the items on the top shelf, writing it down "I woke up early, couldn't go back to sleep. So I thought I'd get a head start on the medical inventory. See what we have, what we still need, add to the emergency kit"

"We need anything important?" looking at her writing

"Not yet, from what I can see" moving on to the neck cabinet "I'll keep you posted"

"After you're done, wanna go on a hunt?" chewing on his thumbnail

"If we don't have anything important to do" nodding slightly "it wouldn't hurt to track down another buck. But we're taking Lucky this time" looking at the redneck "he is a hunting dog after all"

A small smirk formed on his lips, giving Sonny a small nod, causing her to smile slightly, looking back down at her small notebook and continuing to work in silence. He watched her, but she was too focused on her work, his eyebrows furrowing slightly at the old shoelace that kept her long hair back. He didn't really care for the old thing, even though she had thoroughly cleaned it, but no one should have to keep their hair back with a shoelace.

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