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T-Dog, Hershel, Rick, Daryl, Denny and Sonny had been gathered around a table, with a few impressive things scattered on top, the things they collected from the fallen armored walkers,

"Impressive" Daryl commented

"Flashbangs, CS Triple Chasers" Denny listed

"I'm not really sure how they'd work on walkers . . " Sonny commented, lightly scratching her head

She reached out, picking up a helmet, cringing when she saw walker skin on the surface, Denny lightly grabbed the helmet, tilting it over, causing goo to slowly droop out onto the floor. Sonny took a small step back, not wanting it to get on her boots, even though there were worse things that could happen to them.

"I've had my hands inside living people, and I think this is more disgusting" she muttered, shaking her head slightly

"Ain't wearing this shit" Daryl added as she set the helmet down on the table

"We could boil them" T-Dog offered, picking up a set of gloves in a similar condition

"Ain't enough firewood in the damn forest" shaking his head slightly, "nah. 'Sides, we've made it this far without them, right? What's the point of using them now?"

"Sonny?" Carol asked, causing the doctor to look at her

"Is everything alright?" Rick asked, looking at her

"Everything's fine" she replied, almost dismissively

Hershel followed Sonny as she walked over to Carol, poking her head inside before walking toward her own cell, quickly grabbing her med box before entering Carol's.

"It’s the baby, I think I lost it" Lori muttered, placing a hand on her belly

"You haven't felt it move?" Sonny asked, kneeling down in front of her

"Nothing" shaking her head slightly "and no Braxton-Hicks. At first, I thought it was exhaustion and malnutrition"

"Are you anemic?" opening the med box, earning a small nod from Lori

"If we’re all infected, then so is the baby" she commented "so what if it’s stillborn? What if it’s dead inside me right now, what if it rips me apart?"

"Stop" Sonny scolded, looking at her "do not let your fear take control of you. Fear takes control, and something bad happens"

"Okay, let’s say it lives, and I die during childbirth" she countered

"That’s not going to happen" Hershel said

"Why not?" She asked "how many women died in childbirth before modern medicine? If I come back, what if I attack it? Or you, Sonny, Rick, Carl . . . If I do, if there is any chance, you put me down immediately, you don’t hesitate!" tears beginning to run down her face "me, the baby, if we’re walkers, you don’t hesitate, and you don’t try to save us! Okay? It might have been better if . . ."

"If what?" Sonny asked

"If I’d never made it off the farm" she muttered

"You’re exhausted, frightened" Hershel said

"Yeah, that’s true" she scoffed "my son can’t stand me. And my husband, after what I put him through"

"We’ve all been carrying that weight" he replied "all winter"

"I tried to talk to him" shaking her head slightly "he hates me. He’s too good a man to say it, but . . . I know. I put him and Shane at odds, I put that knife in his hands!"

". . . Put yourself in his shoes, Lori" Sonny said softly, gaining the attention of the pregnant woman "everything you've done. Just think about how it makes him feel. He is doing the best he can, keeping everyone safe no matter what" looking at her "I only just got here, I know, but I still know what kind of man he is"

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