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Sonny looked down at the wound on her leg, which seemed to be healing nicely and showing no signs of infection, which was a good thing on her part. The last thing she needed to deal with was an infected gunshot wound. It just needed to be bandaged and dressed until it was healed enough. She put a pad of folded gauze on the front of her thigh, as well as the back, placing her thigh on the floor to hold the bottom pad in place before wrapping her thigh with a bandage to keep them in place. Once her leg was wrapped, Sonny stood straight and picked up her pants, button them and adjusting her belt. An hour before the sun had gone down, they found a small cabin, one that was literally one large room with a bed in one corner and a kitchenette across from it, they all assumed that the woods had been their bathroom, but they couldn't complain. If the building was able to fit the six adults, two dogs and two wagons, it was good enough to stay in for the night.

Three of the men suggested Sonny and Shawn share the bed while they took the floor, to also save on walking space. The wagon that held the chest was sitting next to the bed, Shawn sleeping closer to the wall, leaving Sonny to lay next to her son. She didn't have a problem with that at all, letting out a small sigh through her nose as she looked over toward Aiden, who was sitting by the window on watch. He had been following the tracks when he heard them speaking to one another, instantly knowing what movie she was talking about, since it was also one of her favorites, right next to Treasure Planet. Sonny got up from the bed, walking over to them as quietly as she could, which was a little difficult with her boots, but no one woke up. Bucky rose his head when Sonny passed him, only to have her bend down slightly, scratching the top of his head, silently assuring him that everything was okay.

The gesture caused him to lay his head back down on his paws with a small huff, Lucky stretching his front and back legs as he laid on his side, relaxing as he fell back to sleep. Sonny lightly kicked Aiden's boot, which caused him to look at her,

"I'm surprised you're not tired" he said lowly as she sat down

"I am" she replied, straightening her left leg with slightly furrowed eyebrows "but I've only been able to get two or three hours a night. Since the prison fell . ."

"We're going to find them" he assured "you're going to find him"

A small smile formed on her lips at the thought of Daryl, reaching up and grasping the necklace she had worn every day, and she knew he liked seeing her with it.

"You know . ." He trailed off "that fight between him and that guy from Woodbury?" earning a small and questioning hum from from Sonny "that was about you" causing her to look at him "everyone saw how much Daryl cared about you, wanting you to stick with him, ride with him, hunt with him. Bill thought Daryl wouldn't know how to treat you, words were exchanged and you stepped in before fists started flying"

"What do you miss the most?" Dominik asked, not really asking anyone in particular, but wanting to make conversation

"I know what Denny misses" Aiden said with a small smirk

"Shut the fuck up" Denny replied, punching his older brother in the arm

"I miss coffee" Sonny spoke up

"I know you do" Shawn commented with a small smile "that's all you would drink during your internship"

"Caffeine withdrawals when the world ended, that was a bitch" a small chuckle emitting from her "I had headaches, drowsiness and puking, I couldn't keep anything down for almost a month"

"That's what happens when you drink coffee since you were fifteen" Aiden muttered

"And yet, I'm still pretty" looking at him with a smirk

The small group chuckled slightly in response, Shawn and Dominik remembering how every guy would try to flirt with Sonny whenever she visited the bar. But she would always brush them off, if they didn't listen, however, then Dominik would step in. He was close to being a mountain of muscle and would always help out Shawn with the bar when he wasn't teaching self-defense classes. Because of his knowledge, it came in handy in more ways than he could count when it was needed. Sonny glanced down at Lucky, who was sniffing at the dirt next to the road, wondering what he was smelling. She was sure there were no walkers around, both Bucky snd Lucky would have detected them easily, and since the Pointer was a hunting dog, maybe he picked up a scent. He stopped, sniffing at the dirt and moving some leaves away with his nose,

"Hold up" Sonny said

The six of them stopped in their tracks, the doctor passing the handle of the wagon to Aiden as she walked toward Lucky. He looked up at his master, lowering his head as he moved another leaf out of the way, Sonny crouching down in front of him, reaching out and moving the rest of the leaves out of the way. She moved around the imprint in the dirt, seeing that it was a footprint coming out of the woods, her eyebrows furrowing slightly,

"Whatcha got?" Dominik asked

"A footprint" she informed "someone came out this way"

"Could be a walker" Denny said

"A walkers prints are more zigzag-y" shaking her head slightly "this one's human"

"Since when do you know how to track?" Shawn asked

"I was taught" looking at Lucky as he walked away

The Pointer sniffed around a tree, Sonny briefly thought he was going to do his business, but quickly thought otherwise when he picked something up, the object having the same scent at the footprint. She reached out, taking the object from his mouth and looking at it,

"An arrow?" Dominik asked

"It's not just any arrow" Sonny said, looking at the familiar D.D. written on one of the feathers as she stood straight "this is one of Daryl's, he left it here"

"He probably forgot it" Shawn commented, shrugging slightly

"Daryl doesn't forget about his arrows" looking at her, lowering her hand to her side, then looking at her brothers ". . . he knows" a smile forming on her lips "he knows we're looking for them. This hasn't been here for more than a day or two, which means we're catching up"

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