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Sasha grunted every time she swung an axe down toward the pews, Tyreese handed parts of the organ to Daryl, glancing at her every now and then. Rick thought it would be best to fortify the church in case they had any other unwanted guests, just wanting to be prepared for anything. Daryl walked outside, the pipes from the organ in his arms, laying them down on the steps of the church before looking around, spotting Sonny sitting down on a stump while Dominik chopped some wood, the woman sharpening the ends into points so they could stick them in the ground. She looked up from her work when she felt his gaze, their eyes connecting in an instant, causing a smile to form on her lips, giving him a thumbs-up, indicating that she was okay. Rick, Carl, Michonne and Aiden were hammering pieces of wood against the windows, giving them more support, Shawn helped out with the wood from the pews, and Denny was minding Jaxon and Judith, everyone had a job to do, even the newcomer, Noah, who knew the location of Beth and Carol. After the church was fortified, a small group would return to Atlanta to get them.

"We'll be back" Sonny said, looking at her brothers

"I know" Denny replied, giving her a small nod

She looked toward Jaxon, a small smile forming on her lips, placing a kiss to his head before walking out with Daryl, Rick, Sasha, Tyreese and Noah, having a feeling that the group may need their doctor. With her kit and weapons in hand, Tyreese helped her up in the back of a cube van, Daryl and Rick in the front, leaving the other three to themselves, but Sonny sat on the floor of the van behind the passengers seat.

"At sundown, we fire a shot into the air" Rick said, the others surrounding him "get two of them out on patrol. Then, once it's dark enough that the rooftop spotter won't see us, we go. We cut the locks on one of the stairways, take it to the fifth floor. I open the door, Daryl and Sonny take the guard out"

"How?" Tyreese asked

"Slit his throat" looking up at him "this is all about doing this quiet, keeping the upper hand" looking at the others "they're not expecting us. From there, we get out. Knives and silenced weapons. We need to be fast"

He looked down at the floor from his kneeling position, where he had drawn a rather neart layout of the hospital their people were being held in, scraping two X's in the dirt,

"Tyreese, Sasha, take them" he continued "Daryl and Sonny, you take care of whoever's in the kitchen. I got Dawn. If they're smart, the rest of them will give up, then it'll be six on three. Seven on three once we get a weapon to Beth"

"Twelve on three" Noah spoke up "the wards will help"

"That's best case" Tyreese said "what's worst case? All it takes is one of those cops going down the hall at the wrong time. Then it's not quiet. All hands on deck. We're taking about a lot of bullets flying around"

"If that's what it takes" Sasha said, her arms crossed

"It's not" looking at her "there has to be another way"

". . If we get a couple of her cops alive out here, we could do an even trade" Sonny spoke up "theirs for ours, everybody goes home, no death"

"I get it" Rick said, standing straight "and it might work. This will work" pointing to the map

"Nah, that'll work, too" Daryl said, causing them to look at him, the redneck looking at Noah "you say this Dawn, she's just trying to keep it together, right?"

"Trying and doing are two different things" Noah replied

"You take two of her cops away," Sonny said "what choices does she have?"

"Everybody goes home" Daryl added "like she said"


"Put the gun down, Noah" a female officer ordered, aiming her gun toward him

"Put the gun down" a male officer repeated

Noah looked at them for a moment, bending slightly and placing the gun on the floor,

"Hands up" she ordered "turn around"

With his hands slightly raised, Noah slowly turned around, the male officer coming up behind him, putting his hands behind his back, using zip ties to bind them,

"Let me know if it's too tight, okay?" the male officer said lowly

"I thought you were smart, Noah" the female officer said "you think we wouldn't hear you?"

". . Where are those rotters you were shooting at?" looking around

A whistle filled the air, which caused the officers to turn around, coming face to face with the other five, who had much bigger guns aimed at them, which caused the officers to aim their guns at them.

"Hands" Rick ordered

"What do you want?" The female officer asked

"Whatever this is, we can help" the other officer said

"You do as we say, we don't hurt you" Rick replied

". . Okay" showing Rick his hands, gun still in his right, he female officer looked at him, slowly doing the same

"Good" nodding slightly "now turn around. Put your guns on the floor and kneel" walking over to them

This caused the officers to do as instructed, turning around and placing their weapons on the floor with their hands raised, Sonny lowering her gun, slinging it over her shoulder as she walked past them. She removed her bowie from it's sheath, walking around Noah and cutting him loose, the ties falling to the floor as Daryl took the gun from the male officer, Sasha taking the gun from the female.

"We need to talk" Rick said, Sonny handing Daryl and Sasha some zip ties "there's water if you need some and food. If you're injured, our doctor can take a look at you"

"Mind if I ask you something?" The male officer asked as he was pulled to his feet, looking at him "the way you talk . . The way you carry yourself . . were you a cop?" causing Rick to look at him "believe it or not, I was too"

"That's Lamson" Noah informed "he'll be down for this. He's one of the good ones"

A car suddenly drove in their direction, Daryl instantly grabbing onto Sonny, pulling her out of the way as shots emitted from guns. He pulled her behind a dumpster, the driver distracting the group by firing at them as a passenger opened the back door, allowing the other two to jump inside. A white cross was painted at the back window, the thing they could easily see as the car drove off, but Sasha managed to fire at one of the back tires. This caused the others to run after it, but when they rounded the corner, they saw that the doors of the car had been opened, no one inside.

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