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Daryl grabbed on to Sonny's wrist as they entered another floor, wanting to keep her close, more walkers roaming the halls, dried blood on their faces, just like at the prison. Bob threw down chairs and filing cabinets in an attempt to delay the undead, the others running to the end of the hall. The redneck kicked the other door that led to another set of stairs, but it didn't budge,

"We still don't have an exit" Michonne said

"So let's make one" Sonny replied

She sheathed her katana, grabbing her gun from the back of her jeans and shooting at the large window that was close to them, Daryl jumping up, standing on the window sill, Sonny putting her gun back in her jeans. He grabbed her hand, helping her up, which allowed her to look out the window,

"Jump down to the walkway below" Daryl said "go, now!"

Her boot stepped on the window sill, launching herself to the level a foot across from the shattered glass, landing on her feet and quickly moving out of the way as Michonne followed close behind. Tyreese was next, then Daryl, then Bob, who stumbled and landed on his front, his bag dangling over the edge, where a sea of walkers reached up. They tried to pull the back out of his hands, but he refused to release his hold, Tyreese looking over toward him, then the other three. He ran over to Bob, then Michonne and Daryl as they tried to pull him up,

"Bob, let it go" Michonne said, grabbing onto the back of his shirt, trying to pull him up

"Let it go, man" Tyreese said "just let it go"

But he didn't, managing to pull it out of the walkers grip and swing it to the walkway they were on, Sonny walking over to the bag, bending down and grabbing the neck of something that was poking out, seeing that it was a bottle of alcohol. Daryl walked over to her, looking at the bottle,

"Got no meds in your bag?" Daryl asked, looking at him "just this?"

". . I have them all" Sonny informed, her eyes hardening as she looked at Bob "you really should have kept walking that day" turning to the side, rearing her arm back, preparing to throw the bottle toward the walkers surrounding them

"Don't" Bob said, placing a hand on his gun

She looked at him, slowly lowering her arm as Daryl glared at him, her eyes falling toward the hand on his gun, not believing that he would actually threaten to draw on her for destroying a bottle. But at the same time, she believed it entirely, since that's what Roy would have done. The redneck slightly held out his hand toward Sonny, causing her to hand the bottle to him, watching as he tightly grasped it, walking toward Bob and getting in his face. Bob lowered his head slightly, the other four watching the interaction, Michonne placing a hand on Sonny's shoulder, feeling that she was angry with him. Daryl took Bob's gun from it's holster, holding on to it as the other man took a few steps back, but the hunter only walked closer to him, pressing his forehead against his in anger.

They were all angry, Michonne not believing that he would practically risk his life for a bottle of booze, but he didn't only risk his own life, he also risked the lives of the others at the prison, causing a delay in delivering the medication. Daryl grabbed him by the front of his shirt and vest, bringing him closer, as if he was ready to murder him, knowing the others would look the other way.

"Just let it go, Daryl" Tyreese said "the man's made his choice. Nothing you can do about it" Daryl released Bob after a moment "just gotta let it go"

"I didn't want to hurt nobody" Bob tried to explain "it was just for when it gets quiet"

Daryl glared at him, shoving the bottle against his chest, causing Bob to grasp it,

"You take one sip . ." Daryl said "before those meds get into our people . . I will beat your ass into the ground. You hear me?"

He turned around, walking over to Sonny and grabbing the bag he dropped that was now at her feet, the doctor continuing to glare at him,

"You're a disgrace to the field" she commented, shaking her head slightly

Bob's eyes closed as she turned around, walking with Daryl without another word, Michonne and Tyreese following them, Bob trailing behind them.

With her things in the trunk, Sonny sat in the driver's seat of the van, her hand on the wheel, but her head was leaned back against the headrest. Daryl was in the passenger seat next to her, looking at the jasper and tigers eye stones, Tyreese and Michonne were in the back, Bob was standing a few feet away from the car smoking a cigarette. Sonny understood why some people were driven to drown their stress and sorrows in alcohol, but in this world, it was pointless now. There was death everywhere, from walkers to living people, he just needed to learn how to flip his switch, but it wasn't easy. It took the death of her mentor to figure that out.

"That's where I was traveling" Tyreese said as they looked at a map "Highway one-hundred"

"Then it will take about seven hours to get there" Michonne said

"We'll need more gas" Sonny muttered

"But we'll get there" Tyreese assured

Sonny rose her head, looking down at her hand that was in her lap, seeing the visible tremor, which had began when they were cornered by walkers. She let out a slow breath through her lips, clenching her hand into a fist for a moment before shaking it out,

"Highway one-hundred, Sonny" Michonne said

The doctor gave her a small nod, Daryl reaching out and closing his door, Bob putting out his cigarette before climbing in the van as well. The vehicle was soon in motion, driving down cracked cement with ease, reaching up and slightly adjusting her cap, Daryl turning his head slightly, looking at her, spotting the tremor in her hands. But she was able to hide it as she put both of her hands on the steering wheel, beginning their long travel back to the prison. A small sniffle emitted from her nose, keeping her eyes on the road, in case there were any walkers in the road like before. They didn't need a repeat of their first car. Sonny lightly tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, imagining that she was playing Chopin on the piano, something she hadn't done in a long time. She sometimes missed the sound of the piano or violin, wondering if they were ever be able to find one, and she secretly hoped so. No one, other than her brothers, knew that she could play an instrument, they didn't really know her hobbies, since she's only worked, like before the world came to an end.

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