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Night fell upon them, the group sitting around a fire to keep warm and eat the food they had, as well as the little food Sonny was able to provide. It wasn't much – a few cans of corn, soup and fruit – but the group was thankful for that. She held Jaxon in her arms, keeping him warm as she sat next to her twin, not too close to the fire, but enough to keep both of them warm, her cap hanging on the corner of the chest as Bucky and Lucky slept.

"Just like mom used to make" Glenn said sarcastically as he ate another peace of meat

"Tomorrow, we'll put all the bodies together" T-Dog said "we want to keep them away from the water. Now, if we can dig a canal under the fence, we'll be able to have fresh water"

"This soil is good" Hershel added, picking at the grass "we could plant some good seed, grow some tomatoes, cucumbers, soybeans" looking at Rick "that's his third time around, if there was any part of it compromised, he'd have found it by now"

"He's just being cautious" Sonny commented, gaining the attention of some of the group "anyone in his position would be"

". . Would you mind taking this over to Daryl?" Carol asked, holding out a small bowl of a small amount of meat "if someone doesn't bring him something, he won't eat at all"

"No problem" Sonny smiled

She gently handed Jaxon over to her twin, who held him the same way she had, standing up and dusting off the back of her jeans. Sonny gently took the bowl, walking away from the campfire and making her way over toward the man standing watch on a flipped bus. He watched every move she made, especially when she jumped up slightly to put the bowl down at his feet, jumping up and grasping the side of the bus, pulling herself up. Daryl bent down, grasping her arm to help her, Sonny giving him a thankful smile, picking up the bowl and handing it to him,

"It's not much" she said, looking at the contents of the bowl "but Carol said if someone don't bring you something, you won't eat at all"

He gave her a small nod, taking the bowl and beginning to eat as she reached into her coat pocket, pulling out her only can of cream of chicken soup, holding it out to him, causing him to cast her a look of confusion,

"A thank you" she explained "for earlier today. You don't know me, but you had my back. I appreciate it"

"Didn't really have much of a choice" he muttered, taking the can with a small nod "your brothers would'a tried to kill me"

A light chuckle emitted from her, knowing that her brothers would have most likely tried, but she was thankful Daryl had her back, even though he didn't know her.

"Guess little Shane over there's got quite the appetite" he said sarcastically, causing her to nearly choke on her spit, looking at him with widened eyes

"Lori's pregnant with Shane's baby?" She asked

"Don't know who the father is" shrugging slightly

"Damn" she muttered, stuffing her hands in her pockets "I mean, I saw the looks they gave each other before the start, but I never thought it would actually happen"

"You used to babysit the kid?" glancing at her

"Yeah" giving him a small nod "I met them before they hired me, though. Carl was chasing a ball in the street, Lori was too busy gossiping with her neighbor to pay attention, didn't even see the car coming. I happened to have been on my daily run, saw Carl and just sped up. Rick was coming home from his shift and saw the whole thing. Thanked me for a good two hours, hired me as Carl's sitter a week later"

"Sounds like something they'd do" he commented

The two of them fell into a comfortable silence, Sonny's eyes trailing up to the sky, looking up at the twinkling stars. She had never really gotten the chance to relax since the start, always on her toes, making sure Jaxon was safe and comfortable, her eyes snapping down to Lori.

"The formula I have will not last long" she spoke up, shaking her head slightly "especially with Jaxon. We won't be able to ration, and newborns eat every two hours. It'll last two weeks, tops. There's a store we can go to, it had plenty of formula and cases of water. If we're lucky, there's a chance it's still there" looking at Daryl

"We'll get to that" he replied, giving her a small nod "we better get back"

"Why?" she asked playfully "this is pretty romantic" puckering her lips "wanna screw around?" causing his cheeks to redden

"Pff" he huffed, crouching down and getting ready to jump off "I'll go down first"

"Ooh, even better" she smirked

"Stop" he chuckled, jumping off the side of the bus

Sonny jumped off a few seconds after him, Daryl catching her by the waist to make sure she didn't fall, especially since she had to jump up in order to grasp the side. She gave him a small smile, Daryl releasing her waist, the two of them walking back over to the group, Beth singing.

"Of all the money
e'er I had
I've spent it in good company
And all the harm
E'er I've ever done
Alas it was to none but me

And all I've done
For want of wit
To memory now I can't recall
So fill to me
The parting glass
Goodnight and joy be with you all

Of all the comrades
That e'er I had
Were sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts
That e'er I had
Would wish me one more day to stay

But since it falls unto my lot.
That I should rise
And you should not
I'll gently rise
And I'll softly call,
goodnight and joy be with you all.
Goodnight and joy be with you all"

Sonny didn't know the song, growing up with classic and modern rock music, sticking to it well into her adulthood and even classical pieces on the violin. She did know a few lullabies, something that would come in handy if Jaxon kicked up a fuss, but she didn't need to sing to him just yet.

"Better all turn in" Rick said, looking at the group "we've got a big day tomorrow"

"What do you mean?" Glenn asked

"I know we're all exhausted, but this was a great win" he replied "we gotta push just a little bit more. Most of the walkers are dressed as guards or prisoners, looks like this place fell pretty early. Could mean the supplies may be intact – commissary,"

"Infirmary?" Sonny asked, slight hope in her voice "no such thing as too many medical supplies"

"An armory?" Daryl offered

"That would be outside the prison itself, but not too far away" Aiden replied "wardens officers would have info on the location. Weapons, food, medicine. This place could be a gold mine"

"We're dangerously low on ammo" Hershel pointed out "we'll run out before we make a dent"

"That's why we gotta go in there" Rick said, nodding slightly "hand in hand. After all we've been through, we can handle it, I know it. These assholes don't stand a chance against us"

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