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"After you saved me . . ." Carol trailed off "we thought you were dead"

Sonny furrowed her eyebrows slightly at the sound of a new voice, gently placing a sleeping Jaxon down in his bed, grabbing the baby monitor and clipping it to her belt as she walked out of her cell, giving a silent command for Bucky and Lucky to stay.

"Hershel, my God" a woman gasped "I can't believe this. Where's Shane? And Lori?"

"She had a girl" Hershel replied "Lori didn't survive"

"Neither did T-Dog" Carol added

The doctor stood at the entrance of the cell block, her shoulder lightly brushing against Daryl's arm, the hunter turning his head slightly to glance at her, acknowledging that she was there. Merle, Daryl's older brother, stood at the exit, on top of the stairs with a gun held with his one hand, the rest of the weight resting on the metal of his stump, a smirk on his lips when he saw the doctor. Her eyes landed on a blonde woman, who's skin looked fairly clean, her hair tied up as she looked around at the group.

"I'm so sorry" she said, shaking her head slightly "Carl. Rick, I – you all live here?"

"Here" Glenn replied "and the cell block"

"There?" pointing to the entrance "well, can I go in?"

The blonde made her way to the entrance of the cell block, but Sonny stood straight, looking at her. She didn't know her. Sure, the group may know her, but Sonny didn't. And she wasn't about to risk the safety of her son. The blonde looked at her in confusion, before letting out a small scoff,

"Get out of my way" she ordered

"Andrea . ." Aiden said sternly

But Sonny didn't move, not reacting when she received a glare from the blonde, who she now knew as Andrea.

"I said . ." She continued "get out – "

"I heard what you said" Sonny replied "but it's the mere fact that you want me to get out of your way, expecting me to follow your orders like a little lost puppy . . like you have a voice here"

"I do have a voice here" a smirk forming on her lips "this is my group. what about you? A stray they pulled off the streets?"

"I'm Maison" the doctor watching as her smirk slowly fell "Hayden's twin sister. Aiden's baby sister" causing Andrea to back up slightly "they told you a little bit about me, I'm sure" taking a throwing knife out of it's sheath, spinning it in her hand before catching it "like how I know where to cut, for instance" a smirk growing on her lips "I don't know you. I don't trust you. So, you won't be going in there" pointing the knife behind her

"I won't allow that" Rick added, knowing full well that Sonny was just trying to protect her sleeping son

"I'm not an enemy, Rick" Andrea replied, turning to look at him

"We had that field and courtyard" he said "untill your boyfriend tore down the fence with a truck and shot us up"

"He said you fired first" her eyebrows furrowing slightly

"Well, he's lying" looking at her in the eyes

"He killed an inmate who survived in here" Hershel informed

"We liked him" Daryl added "he was one of us"

"I didn't know anything about that" Andrea replied "as soon as I found out, I came. I didn't even know you were in Woodbury until after the shoot-out"

"That was days ago" Aiden replied

"I told you, I came as soon as I could" looking around the group for a moment, then looking at Michonne "what have you told them?"

"Nothing" she replied, shrugging her shoulders slightly

"I don't get it" looking at the group again "I left Atlanta with you people, you pick up a stray, and now I'm the odd man out?"

"She's proved herself to be a valuable member of the group" Maggie spoke up, defending the woman that saved her father's life

"He almost killed Michonne and he would have killed us" Glenn said

"With his finger on the trigger" Andrea said, pointing to Merle "isn't he the one who kidnapped you? Who beat you?" letting out a small sigh "look, I cannot excuse or explain what Philip has done. But I am here trying to bring us together. We have to work this out"

"There's nothing to work out" Rick said simply "we're gonna kill him. I don't know how or when, but we will"

"We can settle this" trying to reason with him "there is room at Woodbury for all of you"

"You know better than that" Merle spoke up, scoffing lightly

"What makes you think this man wants to negotiate?" Hershel asked "did he say that?"

". . No" shaking her head slightly

"Then why did you come here?" Rick asked

"Because he's gearing up for war" she replied "the people are terrified. They see you as killers. They're training to attack"

"I'll tell you what" Daryl spoke up "next time you see Philip, you tell him I'm gonna take his other eye"

"Hmm, I can show you how" Sonny said, a smirk forming on her lips, scraping the dirt out from beneath her fingernails with her throwing knife

"We've taken too much shit for too long" Glenn added "he wants a war? He's got one"

"Rick" Andrea said, looking at him "if you don't sit down and try to work this out, I don't know what's gonna happen. He has a whole town. Look at you. You've lost so much already. You can't stand alone anymore"

"You want to make this right, get us inside" Rick said

"No" refusing instantly

"Then we got nothing to talk about" walking away from the group

"There are innocent people" she said, looking at him, then to Michonne "you poisoned them"

"I just told them the truth" she replied

"I didn't choose him over you" shaking her head slightly "I wanted a life. Once we entered Woodbury, you became hostile"

"That's 'cause I could see it" she said simply

"See what?" scoffing lightly

"That you were under his spell from the second you laid eyes on him" slightly shrugging her shoulders

"That is not true" shaking her head

"And you still are" she said

"No, I am there because those people need me" gesturing to the exit of the cell block

"And what about these people?" jerking her chin slightly to the group

"I'm trying to save them, too" she replied

"Ooh, I didn't realize the messiah complex was contagious" Sonny said with a smirk

"Go to hell, Sonny" Andrea replied, looking at her

"You don't get to call me that" shaking her head slightly, looking at her "my friends get to call me that. I don't know you, I don't trust you. So you can just call me Maison. And by the way, I've been to hell. You should try it some time, though. They have slurpees"

Daryl smirked at the sarcasm, lowering his head slightly to hide it,

"He sent Merle to kill me" Michonne added "would have sent him to kill you, too, if you had come with me. But you didn't, did you? Hm-mmm. You chose a warm bed over a friend. That's why I went back to Woodbury. Exposed him for what he is. I knew that it would hurt you"

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