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Sonny couldn't hear what was being said, she wasn't sure if she wanted to, Daryl quietly pulled a cart away from the fence, one they had used to store their bigger weapons, rolling it closer to the others and beginning to pass them out.

"You good?" He asked, looking at Bob

"Yeah" he replied, giving Daryl a small nod

The doctor felt the cold metal of the gun being gently pressed against the back of her thigh, causing her to turn her head, seeing that Daryl was already looking at her, giving her a small nod. Without breaking eye contact, Sonny grasped the weapon, giving him a small nod as well, looking back out toward the outer fences. Taking in a deep breath through her nose, letting it out through her lips as she lifted the large gun, aiming it toward the floor. She could see Hershel flinch slightly when the Governor shot at two walkers, Sonny raising her gun, looking through her scope,

"We gotta do something" Carl said, his gun raised as well

"Your dad's got it" Daryl replied, kneeled down next to him

"They're talking" his eyes narrowing slightly "we could kill the Governor right now"

"From fifty yards?" He countered

"I'm a good shot" he defended "I could end this right now"

"Yeah, or you could start something worse" Sonny replied "don't even try it" knowing he would only listen to her when Rick wasn't around

"We can all . ." Rick trailed off "we can all love together. There's enough room for all of us"

"More than enough" the Governor replied "but I don't think my family would sleep well knowing that you were under the same roof"

"We'd live in different cell blocks" trying to reason with him "we'd never have to see each other till we're all ready. I'm not saying it's gonna be easy. Fact is, it's gonna be a hell of a lot harder than standing here shooting at each other. But I don't think we have a choice"

"We don't" shrugging slightly "but you do"

"We're not leaving" shaking his head "you try and force us, we'll fight back. Like you said, gunshots will bring more of them out, take out the fences. Without the fences, this place is worthless. Now, we can all live in the prison or none of us can"

The doctor's heart nearly stopped when the Governor suddenly got off of the roof of a car he was standing on, drawing Michonne's katana and walking over to Hershel, putting the blade to his neck. Their voices were lower, she couldn't hear them anymore, but she could tell that Rick was trying to reason with him. He slightly lowered the blade, Hershel smiled softly at Rick. There was a moments pause before every sound faded from Sonny's ears when the Governor swung the katana like a bat, cutting Hershel's neck. She couldn't hear the cries that emitted from Maggie and Beth, but the death of their loved one caused hell to break loose. Rick drew his gun with an angered yell, firing at the Governor and hitting him in the arm, the others taking this as an signal to fire their weapons as well.

Sonny snapped out of it, letting out a yell as she fired her gun, killing a few men in an instant, but that didn't stop the tank from moving in, the large vehicle easily breaking through the fences, giving them more access. She instinctively moved out of the way when the entrance to C block was destroyed by the tank, looking toward it with widened eyes, her mind instantly moving to Jaxon. Daryl pulled her behind a few filing cabinets, successful in helping her dodge a bullet, firing toward the Governor's men. She whipped around, drawing her knife and stabbing the head of a walker that was sneaking up behind them, pulling her knife out, watching as it fell to the floor. Daryl lifted the walker up, holding it in front of him as he moved closer to the tank, throwing a grenade their way.

An explosion filled the air, which allowed Sonny to move in closer, Daryl dropping the walker's body and removing the pin from another grenade, throwing it in the barrel of the tank,

"I have to find Jax!" Sonny shouted over the explosion of the tank

"Your brothers got him!" Daryl replied

"I need to make sure he's okay" walking over to him

He looked back at her, knowing she loved that little boy more than anything in the world, giving her a small nod, not wanting her to go anywhere but knowing what she needed to do. The doctor suddenly moved closer to Daryl, dropping her emptying gun and cupping her face in his hands, standing on the tip of her toes and pressing a kiss to his lips. Daryl froze, but only for a few seconds grasping her waist and complying to the kiss, one they both wanted to do for a long time. Everything around them faded, no longer hearing the snarls coming from the walkers, no more gunshots, it was just the two of them, and neither of them wanted it to end. But Sonny let the kiss linger for a moment,

"I'll find you" she whispered, opening her eyes and looking into his Georgia blues "I'll find you again, I promise" backing away "in this life or the next!"

Without letting him respond, she turned around and ran toward C block, Daryl raising his gun, covering her from any walkers that got too close. She didn't want to leave Daryl, but she had to in order to make sure Jaxon was safe, last seeing him in her cell, taking his nap. If he was there, she would go through the halls, clear out the inventory in the infirmary before running away from the prison. Barking filled her ears, causing Sonny to let out a loud whistle, Bucky and Lucky running up next to her, a yell emitting from her when she felt a pain in her thigh, which knocked her to the floor. With heavy breathing, and adrenaline running through her veins, she pushed herself up, running toward what was left of the entrance of C block, Bucky and Lucky following her as she entered cell block C. A relieved breath emitted from her when Denny ran out of her cell, carrying their things in the wagon,

"We need to go" Sonny said "clear out the infirmary, gather more supplies, and get far away from this place"

He didn't question her, knowing what was happening, letting her take a hold of the handle of the wagon, making sure all of their bags were there before leading them out of the cell block.

For the last time.

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