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Season 5

Walking in the dark was always a dangerous thing, especially when they didn't know of any buildings close by. The small group had to stay alert, because sooner or later, they had to find a building for the night, maybe stay for a few days, but right now, they were exposed. Bucky and Lucky were on alert, the others having their weapons drawn, surrounding Sonny as she pulled the wagon that carried her son, Shawn was next to her as she pulled the wagon that carried their supplies, the men making sure to have their silencers on their weapons. They weren't like any other group, knowing their women could protect themselves, but also wanting them to be safe during the night.

"What's that up ahead?" Aiden asked

"Looks like a fire" Dominik answered "is it your group?"

"They wouldn't attract walkers like that" Sonny replied "in the woods, go. We'll have more cover"

The small group did as instructed, Sonny making sure to keep the wagon as steady as she could, walking further into the woods to give themselves more cover. When they were at the surplus, they managed to find six pairs of night vision goggles, none of them really knowing when or if they would ever need them, but glad they took them along. If they were in the woods, it would put them at a bigger disadvantage, they'd have more cover, yes, but if they didn't have the goggles, they wouldn't be able to see what came out from behind a tree. Their pace had decreased, looking around, staying on alert in case any walkers decided to show themselves since they seemed to be a little more active at night for some reason. To other people, the small group would honestly look a little dumb with the goggles, but it was smart of they were in the dark.

"Stay close" Sonny whispered "as soon as we pass them, we'll go back to the road"

At their vantage point from the road, they couldn't exactly see the fire, just the glow it had given off, so if there were people around it, they wouldn't have been able to see the small group. But it was still better to get more cover, just in case.


"Looks like a small road over there" Denny said lowly

"Small roads normally equal buildings close by" Aiden muttered

"Lets get to it, then" Sonny replied

The small group walked off the main road, following the path to the much smaller one, a low breath emitting from her lips as she looked around, trees on both sides of them. The road wasn't as long as they had expected, coming up to what seemed to be s church, Sonny holding out an arm, stopping the others,

"Doors are open" she informed "I'll see if there are any inside, the rest of you hang back. I'll yell if I need you"

"I don't want you going alone" Aiden said, looking at her

"I'll be fine" grabbing her goggles

She passed the handle to the wagon over to Denny, putting her goggles back on and grabbing her bow from around her shoulders, drawing an arrow and notching it into place. Her footsteps were quiet, remembering what Daryl taught her when it came to hunting, slowly walking toward the opened doors of the church as her heart hammered in her chest. She looked down at the steps of the building before rising her foot, silently stepping up as she heard voices inside, thankful that she was wearing all black, which helped her blend in more with the dark.

"There's no point in begging, right?" an unfamiliar voice asked

"No" a very familiar voice replied

"Still" panting lightly "you could have killed us when you came in. There had to be a reason for that"

"We didn't want to waste the bullets" his response causing a smirk to form on Sonny's lips as she watched the scene before her

"We used to help people" looking up at him "we saved people. Things changed. They came in and –" groaning in pain "after that . . I know that you've been out there, but I can see it"

She watched the man on his knees, drawing her arrow back as his hands reached for something, no one else noticing her since she blended in perfectly.

"You don't know what it is to be hungry" looking at him "you don't have to do this. We can walk away. And we will never cross paths again. I promise you"

"But you'll cross someone's path" looking down at him "you'd do this to anyone, right? Besides, I already made you a promise"

No one expected the man on his knees to have a hidden weapon, taking a knife out from his jeans and raising it with a yell, but before anyone could react, an arrow was shot in his head, causing him to fall to the floor, not moving. Some of the group killed the others that were in the church, while other people aimed their weapons toward the entrance, Sonny looking at every single one of them, lowering her bow to her side. A smile formed on her lips as she easily recognized some of them, but more weapons were aimed toward the entrance of the church,

"Step out" Rick ordered "put your hands up"

". . You're not my supervisor" Sonny spoke up

The sound of her voice and her words caused Rick to slowly lower his gun, his eyes widening slightly when Sonny stepped into the light that was provided by the moon, removing the night vision goggles from her head. She looked at them with a smile, her hands lowered to her sides,

"Sonny?" Glenn asked

"Miss me?" her smile never leaving her lips

Maggie was the first one to run over to her, wrapping their arms around her friend, which simply caused her to return the gesture.

"Damn, it's good to see you" Glenn smiled, joining the hug

Those who knew her, walked over to her, greeting her with hugs and smiles, glad to know that she had make it out okay, or as okay as one could be when they had just lost their home that they help build. Carl ran over to her, wrapping his arms around her as tight as he could, which only caused her to return the gesture,

"Before we continue" as they pulled back "I gotta make a call"

Glenn gave her a confused look, watching as she turned to the entrance of the church, letting out a whistle. Rick walked up next to her, watching as a small group of people walked along the road, Bucky and Lucky next to them, a smile forming on his lips.

"That's Shawn and Dominik" Sonny informed "I knew them before the start. They're good people"

"If they're friends of yours, then their friends of ours" Rick replied, giving her a small nod

". . Where's Daryl?" looking around, not spotting the redneck

"We don't know" honesty in his voice "but he'll be back"

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