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Carl arrived in Hershel's cell, the older man lying on the bed, but was slowly pulled up by Sonny, allowing him to sit on the bed with a little difficulty. They showed him the crutches, a small smile forming on the doctor's lips when he immediately wanted to try them. Carl handed him one first, which allowed him to put it under his arm to get used to it for a moment, before doing the same with the other.

"Just take your time" Lori instructed

"Daddy, don't push yourself" Beth added

"What else am I going to do?" He asked, trying the crutches with Sonny's help "I can't stand looking at the bottom of that bunk"

It was a little hard for him at first, but Lori, Beth, Carl and Sonny helped him, the doctor making sure to keep him steady. She was glad that she could still do her job,

"You know?" He asked "I can go pretty steady"

"You're doing good, old man" Sonny smiled

"That's a good start" Lori said "want to take a rest?"

"Rest?" He asked, glancing at her "let's go for a little stroll"

A light chuckle emitted from the doctor, standing in front of him and slowly walking backwards, keeping a light hand on his chest to prevent him from falling forward, Beth slowly walked behind him and Lori at his side. The process of moving to the exit of the cellblock was slow, but it was necessary for a man who was walking with crutches for the first time, especially when he's one leg short. No pun intended. Hershel looked at the doctor as if she were an angel sent by God, thankful for what she had done for him, giving him more time to spend with his girls, which was a very scarce thing these days. One never knows when their time would run out anymore.

While the others were parking the cars, gathering wood to burn the piles of walkers, or tossing said walkers into said piles, Beth, Carl, Lori and Sonny helped Hershel take a walk in the courtyard.

"I got you" Sonny assured "just take your time on those steps"

"You cleared all those bodies out?" Hershel asked as he looked at the courtyard "it's startin' to look like a place we could really live in"

"Hey, you watch your step" Lori said "last thing we need is you falling"

All of the others see Hershel walking, watching as Sonny helped him hop down the steps, Maggie laughing happily, smiles on the others lips. Rick and Lori even exchange a smile, but Aiden looked down at the two four-legged companions – who he had volunteered to run – when they growled threateningly. Suddenly, a herd of walkers appeared behind Carl, who hears them and turns around.

"Walkers!" He shouted "look out!"

Rick and the others see the walkers as well, the sheriff running toward the courtyard but is forced to go around the fences.

"No!" Rick shouted

Lori shoots a walker, while Hershel tries to run away, aided by Sonny, Glenn has to close the fence before running to the courtyard as well, Rick, Aiden Daryl running as fast as they can.

"Get out!" Aiden shouted "get out of there! Sonny!"

Maggie, Carl and T-Dog are also shooting as many walkers as they can,

"Carl!" Rick shouted "come in here!"

Sonny tried to lead Beth and Hershel back inside the prison, Beth opening the door but the older man had trouble walking up the stairs, when a walker arrives,

"Sonny, behind you!" Beth shouted

The doctor had no choice, pushing Hershel forward, whipping around and stabbing the walker with the knife she always carried with her. She was grateful that Denny was inside the prison, safe with Jaxon, knowing he wouldn't come out with him because of the gunshots. Yanking her knife out of the walkers head, she walked up the steps, closing the gate behind Hershel, staying outside to help take down the other walkers. Glenn, finished with closing up the fence, starts running as fast as he can towards the courtyard, the entrance of the courtyard is locked and Glenn has the key, Daryl and Rick are blocked.

"Sonny!" Aiden shouted, worried for his baby sister

The entrance to cell block C opened, Denny briefly stepping out, holding Sonny's twin blades in his hands. He let out a whistle, gaining Sonny's attention, allowing her to put her knife away, her hands reaching up and catching her sheathed blades, Denny kicking a walker out of the way, closing the door to the prison, staying inside. Unsheathing her twin blades, Sonny swung hard, slicing through the heads of the walkers, killing as many as she could. T-Dog tries to close the gate, in an attempt to stop some walkers from coming in, but a walker arrived behind him. Rick managed to open the gate, with Glenn and Daryl, he runs towards the courtyard, the prisoners following them. A pained scream filled the air, causing Sonny to whip around, freezing at the sight of a walker taking a large bite out of T-Dogs arm,

"No!" Carol cried out

T-Dog punches the walker with his elbow, causing it to stumble back, Sonny running over to him, killing the walker he had recently hit, but it's too late. Carol opened the door to the prison,

"Hurry!" She shouted

Sonny grabs his uninjured arm, pulling him along, following Carol in the tombs of the prison.


The three of them made their way through the corridors of the prison, trying to avoid the walkers that lingered in the dark, but it's difficult for T-Dog to run,

"If we can get back to the cell block, I can help you" Sonny said, aiding him along

"It's too late for me, Sonny" he muttered "you know that. There's a set of double doors that will lead to another corridor, which will lead you out and back to the cell block!"

"No, you should stop!" Carol said

"I'm getting both of you there!" He replied

"You should stop!" trying to get him to stop

"Why?" looking at her "sit here, and wait to die?"

"I'll do what I have to, you're not becoming one of those things" Sonny replied

"I can't ask that, Sonny" shaking his head slightly "you've already done so much for this group. You haven't been here long, but . . . this is God's plan. He brought you to that baby boy. He led you to us. He'll take care of me, always has. He's gonna help me lead the two of you out of these tunnels"

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