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"Patrick was fine yesterday" Carol informed "and he died overnight. Two people died that quick?"

Due to the events in cell block D, an emergency council meeting was called, Sonny sat on a chair next to Daryl, her cap in front of her on the table as she leaned back in her chair. Sasha sat next to Sonny, followed by Glenn and Hershel, and Carol sat across from them,

"We'll have to separate everyone that's been exposed" Carol added

"That's everyone in that cell block" Daryl said

"That's all of us" Sonny added "maybe more"

"We know that this sickness can be lethal" Hershel said "we don't know how easily it spreads. Is anyone else showing symptoms that we know of?"

"We can't just wait and see" Carol replied "there's children. It isn't just the illness. If people die, they become a threat"

"We need a place for them to go" the older man said "they can't stay in D. We can't risk going in there to clean it up"

"What about A?" Sonny asked

"Death row?" Glenn asked, looking at her "I'm not sure that's much of an upgrade"

"It's clean" Daryl countered "that's an upgrade. Think that'll work for Dr. S?"

"I'll help Caleb get it set up" Hershel replied

The sound of coughing passed the library, which gained everyone's attention, the entire council getting up from their unintentional assigned seats and walking out of the library. Tyreese had an arm around Karen, who was coughing into her closed hand,

"You okay?" He asked

"Mm-hmm" Karen replied, nodding as she coughed once more

"You sure?" Carol asked "you don't sound so good"

"I'm just taking her back to my cell so she can rest" Tyreese informed, looking at the council

"Tyreese, I don't think that's a good idea" Hershel said

"Why?" Karen asked "what's going on now?"

"We think it's the flu or something" Glenn informed "that's how Patrick died"

"Jaxon and Judith were in that cell block" Sonny added "both of them are vulnerable. Anyone who may be sick or have been exposed should stay away"

"It killed Patrick?" Karen asked, looking at them with furrowed eyebrows

"She's gonna be okay" Tyreese replied "now that we know what Patrick died from, we can treat it. Right?"

"Don't panic" Hershel said calmly "we're going to figure this out. But we should keep you separated in the meantime. We'll have Caleb take a look at you"

"I'll see what we have, med wise" Sonny added

". . David, from the Decatur group, he's been coughing to" Karen informed

"I'll get him" Glenn said "there's some empty and clean cells in the tombs, right?"

"Yeah, well meet you there" Sasha replied

"Okay" walking off

"Come on" looking at Karen "let's get you settled"

Karen gave her a nod, walking over to Sasha, who began to lead her away from the library,

"Have to call another meeting later" Hershel said

"All right" Daryl replied, "I'll get to burying the dead ones"

"You wear gloves and a mask" he instructed

"I'll check the inventory log" Sonny added "see what we have in order to treat this thing"

"If we don't?" Carol asked

"Cross that bridge when we get to it" Daryl said "c'mon"

Sonny put her cap on her head, walking back into the library and grabbing her kit from under her seat, walking back out with a tired sigh, following Daryl away from the library,

"Aiden and Denny are gonna have to keep the kids in quarantine" she muttered "at least until we find a treatment"

"We will" Daryl replied

Her eyes trailed along her writing, carefully reading over each and every word, letting out a small sigh through her nose as she walked out of the prison, in the courtyard and sitting down on top of the tables. But the sound of the gate opening gained her attention, her eyebrows furrowing slightly when a truck exited the prison, the doctor getting up and walking out of the courtyard, jogging over to the fences,

"What's going on?" She asked

"Walkers were pushing up against the fence" Sasha informed as she added a post in order to straighten the chain-link "the noise drew them out. Rick and Daryl are distracting them"

Sonny looked out, watching as Rick cut the leg of a piglet, hearing it's pained squeal over the snarling of the walkers. He dropped the piglet to the floor, Sonny looking away as the undead followed the sounds, not wanting to see them devour a small animal, which she thought was funny. She can handle killing walkers, she'd kill the living without much of a thought when it came to the safety of her people, but she didn't want to watch walkers eat a piglet. But the plan was working, the walkers were moving further away from the fences, which would allow them to add more posts, another small sigh emitting from her nose.

"How goes it on the inventory?" Sasha asked, letting out a small huff

"Still sifting through it" Sonny replied, looking at her notebook "so far . . I haven't had any luck. We have everything we need to treat a wound – gunshots, cuts, amputations – but . ." shaking her head slightly "I didn't think to stock up for a sickness like this"

"We'll get through it" Glenn assured "for now, just keep looking?"

She gave him a small nod, flipping the page in her book as she walked back over to the courtyard. All she could do was keep looking for solutions, but she had a feeling they didn't have what they needed in order to treat the sickness. But her mind was also elsewhere, wanting to know if Jaxon and Judith were safe and out of harms way, but also not liking the fact that she had to stay away from them until the issue was resolved. The only time she had spent away from Jaxon was when she was on runs or working on an injury, but she knew Denny would keep him safe.

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