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Season 4

Months later

Nails tapped against the floor of the prison, Bucky walking into a cell, his tongue hanging out as he panted, looking around for a moment before moving to the sleeping figure on the bed. Sonny slept peacefully under her covers, the group deciding to let her sleep since she had been working a lot, making sure everyone was okay, going on runs and even hunting with Daryl. Everyone could see how much she did for the group, so letting her sleep in seemed to be the least they could do. Bucky nudged her arm with his nose, deciding that it was time for his master to wake up, but she didn't move, causing him to nudge her once more. The four legged friend put his front paws on the bed, leaning in and licking Sonny's cheek, which caused her to stir,

"Buck, come on" she muttered, her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she turned to her side

She lightly pushed Bucky away, a small whine emitting from him, causing her to open one of her eyes, a small groan emitting from her as she pushed herself up. A yawn emitted from her as she sat up completely in her bed, thankful she was able to remove the top bunk of the bed so she had a little more space to move around. She removed the crusties form the inner corners of her eyes, dropping her hands in her lap, looking at the German Shepherd,

"You suck, you know that?" scratching the top of his head

The animal barked in return, trotting out of the cell, a small smile forming on her lips as she threw her legs over her bed, stretching her arms above her head with a deep breath. When she was sure that she was fully awake, Sonny brushed her teeth in the small makeshift sink in her cell, changing out of her sweats and into a pair of black jeans with her boots, staying in her black wife beater, but putting on a bra. She strapped her throwing knives to her right hip, her bowie knife to her left thigh, retractable bo staff in her left pocket and pocket knife in her right. Gabbing shoestring from her small shelf, as well as her cap, Sonny walked out of her cell, holding her cap with her teeth as she used the shoestring to tie up her hair. The warm sun shined on Maison as she walked out of cell block C, taking the cap from her mouth and putting it on her head, blocking out the harsh rays,

"Good morning, Dr. Winters" a woman greeted

"Good morning" a man said

"Hi, doc" another man greeted

"Hey, Dr. Winters" smiling at her

"Good morning, Dr. Winters" another woman greeted

She smiled at those who bid her a good morning, everyone knowing that she wasn't much of a morning talker, making her way over to the makeshift grill where Daryl, Carol and Patrick had been, the smell of delicious meat filling her nose.

"Good morning, Dr. Winters" Patrick greeted with a smile

"Good morning" she replied, then looking at Carol "you let me sleep in"

"You needed it" she countered, holding out a bowl of meat "with the amount of work you've been doing, any longer and you would have dropped" Sonny gently taking the bowl "plus, Daryl told us not to wake you"

Sonny's eyes turned toward the redneck next to her, who continued to eat the meat that was given to him, successfully avoiding her gaze, the woman rolling her eyes slightly, beginning to eat her breakfast, knowing he meant well,

"I need to show you guys something" Carol informed "Patrick, you want to take over?"

"Yes, ma'am" he replied, a smile forming on his lips

She handed the tongs over to him as he walked in front of the grill,

"Oh, Mr. Dixon, Dr. Winters" he said, gaining their attention "I just want to thank you guys for bringing that dear back yesterday, it was a real treat" his smile never leaving his face "and I'd be honored to shake your hands" holding his hand out

A small smile formed on Sonny lips, grasping his hand and shaking it, which caused his smile to grow. Daryl looked at him for a moment, licking the juices from the meat off his fingers, shaking Patrick's hand, a small snort emitting from the curly-haired woman, eating a piece of her meat. Sonny shook her head slightly, chuckling as she walked with Carol, the redneck quickly catching up to the two, gently nudging the doctors arm, which caused her to do the same. Many people easily noticed how different Daryl acted when she was around, but when it came to other people, he didn't care much. There was one time where Daryl got into a heated argument with one of the guys from Woodbury, and Sonny was the one who had to break it up before someone decided to throw a few punches. His vein had been popping out of his neck, his face flushed with anger, but he calmed down when she stepped in, and to this day, she didn't know what the argument was about.

She ate a piece of the meat as Carol led the two of them to a spot that gave them a perfect view of the fences, walkers pressed up against against it, snarling and growling, wanting the living people that were inside. Some people stabbed them in the head through the links of the fence, but it just seemed like all of the walkers knew they were all there, so they just kept coming.

"About today" Carol began, letting out a small sigh "I don't know if we're going to be able to spare a lot of people for the run"

"That place is good to go" Daryl replied "we're gonna move on it"

"Yeah" the three of them walking to the fence of the courtyard "the thing is, we had a pretty big buildup overnight. Dozens more towards tower three. It's getting as bad as last month. They don't spread out anymore"

"With more of us sitting here, we're drawing more of them out" Sonny said "they can smell us, after all"

"You get enough of those damn fence-clingers, they start to herd up" Daryl added

"Pushing against the fences again" Carol replied "it's manageable, but unless we get ahead of it, not for long" looking at him "sorry, Pookie"

Daryl scoffed slightly in amusement, giving Carol a nudge to her arm, causing a chuckle to emit from her, Sonny smiling slightly in amusement.

"Worse thing we'll have to do is add more posts to keep them standing" Sonny commented "they can only last for so long on their own, especially when more just keep coming. If that happens, we can just add more shifts to the fences. I'll bring it up on the next council meeting"

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