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An intermission.

When eight had thrown herself into the cafe and tumbled onto someone she did not expect it to be Five Hargreeves. In fact, she was joyous it was five Hargreeves.

But she would never say that aloud.

She'd rather be tortured than admit she was happy to see him. It felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, and maybe things would start going well for her from there on out.

Maybe life was feeling guilty for the cards the assassins were dealt?

In their long history, there was ups and downs(often more downs, obviously). It was a constant push and pull; along with the never ending denial of feelings.

They each had a bad habit of gaslighting themselves into thinking that they hated one another and yet they'd kill to be with one another. They yearn for each others touch but never fail to run away from commitment and their own feelings.

They'd rather die than live without one another, but they have failed to admit that to themselves as well. They don't know their feelings all they know is that they are confused.

Annoying, right?

For every step forward there is almost always two steps backward. It seems that fate just dosent have it in store from them and some invisible force is constantly driving them apart. Now, to cut them some slack they both have antagonizing demons constantly hovering over their shoulders. They have blood gushing from their ledgers, promises to keep, and sacrifices to make.

Eight and five are both twisted people, their morals are broken, and their lives are not even close to where they should be. They are not reliable whatsoever. Danger seems to follow them wherever they go, and death is a very old friend that is constantly knocking at their door.

They know things that people shouldn't know, they see things people shouldn't see. They have had enough hardship and despair for a life time, but life has no feelings.

Life is simply unfair.

They are both held back by themselves, by their past, and their fear of the future. They are both nearing the brinks of insanity, teetering on the edge before they plummet into darkness.

One small push is all it takes.

In warning,

A good end isn't promised, no. A good end is never promised.

This isn't a fairytale. You should know that by now.


And so the show goes on.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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