38. Arsonists Lullabye

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"All you have is your fire, and the place you need to reach. Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash."

The Swedish Job

If Eight could steal someone's powers why wouldn't she be able to steal their knowledge?

Eight ignored the voices in the back of her head that were screaming at her not to do it, and prepared herself.

She took a deep breath and reminisced in the familiar downpour feeling. She felt the energy flow through her body, and her vision flashed from reality to different memories.


Five and eight were now at Mortimer Gussmans apartment again. It was late in the night, only those partying were still awake. They had not been able to find Diego so they chose to go back and see if he wandered back to Lila.

Upon entering back into the apartment they heard groaning and scolding coming from the living room. They saw how Diego was sprawled out onto the couch naked and only covered up from a small towel as Lila was tending to a stab wound.

"Oh, he isn't dead." Five chimed disappointedly.

"Disappointed?" Lila asked placing a hot knife onto Diego's wound.

"To see you, always." He responded grabbing a clean towel, he pressed it to the skin on his neck that had gotten cut from pogo. Eight just stood and watched the exchange impatiently.

"Did you cut yourself shaving? You know I can teach you how to shave like a big boy." Lila mocked.

"No, just ran into an old family friend." Five sighed.

Eight felt uneasy. She rushed forward to Diego's head that was slightly dangling off the armrest of the couch. Lila stopped working and took a long glance at eight.

Five went to go untie Elliot Gussman, hoping he would be able to give any locations of their siblings. Eight stayed silent withholding the information of Vanya, and Allison's whereabouts.

Eight placed two hands on the sides of Diego's head. She felt herself becoming nervous, it had been a long time since she tried to get into someone's head. It was always very draining and dangerous for her and the other person. The entire idea of getting into someone's head and essentially 'stealing' their memories was always dangerous waters for her to tread in, just like time traveling for five. She had no guidelines to follow or instructions and warnings of what she can and can't do, it secretly scared her but she would never admit it aloud.

Lila became tense and stopped working on Diego completely, eight felt as the other woman's eyes were on her. Eight also felt as the woman's energy in front of her began to radiate new energy. She took note of this.

Eight dug into Diego's mind, feeling as her consciousness shifted and she was sucked from reality into Diego's head. She plucked through his brain to find who had stabbed him earlier even though she already had a guess of who it was.

She felt hands on her body shaking her roughly accompanied by distant shouting.

A fight between Diego and another man was playing in front of her. She was in the point of view of Diego, fighting the man. In a sudden flash Diego had the advantage but it was quickly taken away when the man in front of him showed himself.


Fucking Reginald. Eight felt a wave of anger push through her, but as the memory played out her view of the man who had ruined her life faded away.

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