27. A Moment of Silence

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Season one finale, finally!

The White Violin

The remaining Hargreaves in the academy tried their best to escape the building as fast as possible. All remaining Hargreeves, besides eight.

When she had come into consciousness from her loopy sleep she quickly scrambled on the ground avoiding the pillars in the ceiling that were crashing down to the ground.

She quickly sprinted out of the room to the best of her ability down the small hallway to the elevator. Luckily, it was somehow still working, she quickly stepped into the elevator pushing the buttons frantically. She attempted to spacial jump but her efforts were proven futile when her powers hummed in disagreement, she couldn't focus long enough to calculate any place to go due to her head injury.

The elevator came to a sudden halt and shook violently she groaned alarmed and in pain from tumbling to the ground. There was a small step stool in the corner of the elevator, she quickly set it up directly below the escape hatch in the top right hand corner of the ceiling.

She slowly slid the heavy metal over revealing the elevator shaft. She jumped off of the stool and pulled herself up onto the top of the elevator. Cords and different mechanical machines were humming wearily.

Eight glanced at the main cord that held the entire elevator in fear, it was burnt and breaking fast.

She had little options of what to do, she could climb back into the elevator, and most likely tumble 80 feet down, to hopefully survive the caving of the academy. Or, she could attempt to climb onto the elevators cord and climb it to where the next door would be, about 15 feet up. If she were to do the second option, she would most likely also have to somehow manage to pry open the metal doors, to then get to safety.

The wire began to tear and the elevator sunk about two feet down.

Eight clenched her jaw not knowing what to do.

The wire squealed and the elevator separated from the wire tumbling towards the ground, in an instant eight jumped upwards in attempt to grab the wire.

One hand managed to latch onto the greasy cord. She groaned in pain and in triumph. She heard the loud crash of the elevator below, "God damnit."

She managed to get her other hand to latch onto the cord and used all of her upper body strength to pull herself up farther and farther onto the cord so her feet could assist her in climbing.

She ignored the throbbing in her head and the blood steaming down the side of her face and continued to haul herself up the rope slowly.

Eight found herself accidentally glancing down every once and a while and grimaced at the darkness below. It looked like a never-ending abyss.

After a minute she yelled out in frustration, she had barely moved up enough, and she didn't have much time left before everything caved in.

It was when rubble from above began to fall that eight genuinely thought she was going to die.

She didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

A large chunk of cement went flying past eights head. Another went directly in front of her but she managed to dodge on the wire by swinging her body.

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