26. I Don't Want to Set The World on Fire

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"In our previous session you said that you don't feel free, why do you think that is?" The commissions hired therapist sat in an arm chair, pen in hand.

Eight stood at her usual spot in front of the window, her back turned towards the therapist.

"Aren't you supposed to be the one figuring that out?"

The therapist smiled, "sometimes the first steps to healing are saying the supposed problems out loud."

Eight clicked her tongue, "When I was a child my memory was constantly splotchy. Almost as if someone erased bits and pieces of it." She turned and sat on a plush arm chair directly across from the therapist. "There's always been something weighing me down, trapping me from moving forward. It's like the answers for everything are dangling right in front of me, waiting to be grabbed. I just can't see them."

The therapist hummed and began writing.


The assassins had gone their separate ways after being with one another. Eight barely had a few minutes of relaxation by herself when she felt the house shake and an energy surge flow through the air.

She followed the power to the depths of the academy, to the place she never thought she would be again.

The holding cell.

The holding cell was different than her restriction room. While her restriction room was small, bright, and open, the holding cell was dark and eerie.

It was something out of a horror movie.

She spent the other majority of her childhood in the holding cell. Although, those times were splotchy and never made sense to her.

The more she thought about those times, she often got piercing headaches and her mind went haywire.

Eight frowned at the sound of voices from the outside of the elevator she was currently standing in.

When the double doors opened an overwhelming sense of nausea overcame her. The small hallway was short, yet it seemed never ending as she traveled slowly down it to another arched door.

The door was propped open, with Allison, Diego, Luther, and Klaus standing on the other side facing the cell.

Eight heard the humming of power coming from the holding cell. It had to be Vanya.

The Hargreeves turned when they heard her footsteps. Allison looked distraught along with Luther who was holding the rumors arm tightly, Klaus and Diego had a look of guilt plastered on their faces as well.

"What are you-?" Eight began but cut herself off when she saw the small window of the thick metal door that revealed Vanya crying hysterically.

She walked forward but was cut off by Luther. "Don't let her out." He grumbled, obviously still enraged that Vanya had hurt Allison.

"I knew it." Eight whispered to herself, the others heard and sighed.

"You need to let her out." Eight concluded pushing Luther's arm away, he didn't budge.

Vanya was screaming Eights name, but the assassin couldn't hear. She only saw Vanya crying out, begging.

Eight didn't know whether to feel angry or empathetic.

"Nothing good will come from this, let her out." Eights anger flared.

"Eight-" Diego reached out to the girls shoulder but she shrugged him off. "You don't understand, she's powerful you need to let her out, that room is terrible."

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