16. RIP To My Youth

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The day that was

"So you have been hearing voices?" A petite therapist asked from her navy armchair.

The young adult nodded looking out the window that viewed the courtyard of the commission, "they won't go away."

"Right." The therapist clicked her tongue, "and what are these voices saying?"

"To remember the past."

The young adult heard the writing of pen against paper and sighed knowing the therapists was making notes.

The girls eyes watched as two birds flew past the window seemingly chasing each other. She smiled.

"Ms. Hargreeves?"

"Sorry, what?" Eight turned.

"I was saying that you seem to be distracted today, tired as well." The therapist acknowledged, fake concern plastered on her face.

Eight sharply inhaled and turned towards the window once more viewing the birds. "They are so free." She stated

"Who is?"

"The birds, they look so free."

The therapist shifted in her seat uncomfortably, she feared her patient.

"Why do you find that so special, Ms. Hargreeve?" The therapist asked.

"Because I'm trapped."


"Hey, Vanya, it's me. I just wanted to...things have gotten so messed up. All I ever wanted was to be a good sister to you. Guess I pretty much failed at that, but you need to call me. Okay?" Allison spoke sadly into the pay phone.

Eight and five listened a few feet away leaning against a large cement wall.

Just as Allison ended the call, Diego returned victoriously holding up a blue file. He waved it in Fives face tauntingly, this annoyed Allison resulting in her snatching it out of Diego's hand. She began to read quickly.

Eight walked towards Allison and glanced over her shoulder to the file. A mugshot stood out to the teenager and she paled. "Holy shit!" Eight exclaimed.

Allison visibly paled as well in an internal panic.


Allison took the file and turned it towards five and Diego, "Harold Jenkins Is Leonard Peabody."

Their jaws dropped slightly.

Eight panicked before getting in the drivers seat of the car. How could she be so stupid, she thought to herself on repeat. She knew he was sketchy, she should've looked into it instead of focusing on herself. Selfish.

"Get in." She ordered her siblings.

During the drive to Leonard's house eight couldn't help but feel a painful pinch in her abdomen. What confused her even more is that there was pain leaking out of fives body. She could see it and feel it whenever she was near.

He was sitting in the backseat this time around with Diego. Eights eyes traveled to the rear view mirror and glanced at five.

He was paler than usual, his mannerisms were closed off and she saw how he was biting his lip in pain. Five felt eyes on him and glanced to the mirror.

The two made eye contact, neither backing down. This posed a threat because eight was driving. Eights stare was hard, almost a glare. She needed to know what was wrong, she didn't like how he was hiding something.

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