15. Bohemian Rhapsody

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The Day That Was

November 1st 2004

Breaking news!

Just mere minutes ago at The Thirty Sixth bar, a total of ten people were reportedly killed.

The police are still arriving to the scene along with medical services.

Many eye witnesses are refusing to speak, for those who were killed were also running a gang. The murders were violent, and often described as 'supernatural'. There are no suspects but police are initiating a curfew starting tomorrow.

Stay safe, and if you deem anything suspicious call the number on your screen.


There was a teenager in a back alleyway dragging a semi unconscious body behind her quietly. The injured woman groaned and muttered undecipherable sentences to herself.

There was a trail of blood behind the body that was illuminated by the bright moon. The teenager stopped in her tracks when she heard distant sirens.

The woman, no older than 35 screamed for help. The teenager clasped her hand over the ladies mouth and signaled for her to stay silent. The woman's eyes shone with fear.

The teenager acknowledged the resemblance between the woman and herself. They both had long dark hair, deep brown eyes, a tan complexion, and the same siren eye shape. The feature that stood out to the girl the most was the small litter of freckles that scattered the woman's face.

The teenager touched her face slowly, still crouched next to the woman holding her mouth shut. "What's your name?" The teenager asked lifting her hand.

"Why do you look like me?" The woman cried.

The teenager shut her eyes tightly and sucked in a sharp breath. "What you do is wrong, Selene." The teenager scolded.

"I didn't tell you my name." The immobilized woman breathed out shakily

The teenager had a hatred for the woman in front of her. The woman was a dealer that often took advantage of teenagers with mental health problems.

"I needed the money, I wasted it all after....." the woman paused, "after my daughter was taken away."

"That's no excuse." There was yet another pause when realization dawned the woman.

"You have my eyes." The woman concluded sadly.

Eight groaned in anger. She stood and charged towards the bars back wall. She punched it roughly causing a crack to form in the brick.

The teenager blinked back tears and shut her eyes tight hoping it was all one terrible nightmare. She felt a surge overcome her. A piercing headache split her head. After a few long moments it settled and she traveled back to the loopy woman.

The woman trembled in fear as she saw the girls disheveled presence. She clawed at the ground and attempted to get away. When she realized her efforts were futile she stopped and began to sob.

"Who are you?" She quivered.

"I think you already know." The teenager responded with a small sad smile.

There was a long moment where the woman and teenager stared at each other content. The sirens grew louder resulting in the teenagers tears to flow down her cheeks steadily.

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