17. Back to Black

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The Day That Was

Eight Hargreeves had never felt so helpless in her life. The world was ending in three days and she still hadn't killed the man who was going to be responsible. Her sister, Vanya, also is conveniently dating the supposed man, and is MIA. Five, is very obviously hiding something from her that's painful. Lastly, to top the cake, she finally remembered the night of November 1st, 2004 when she killed her own mother with her bare hands. This was of course after being ordered to do it by her adoptive father, Reginald Hargreeves.

Eight stood in front of a framed picture of herself when she was younger. There was a caption underneath the image stating, 'The Monster'. She couldn't help but feel relieved at the weight lifted off of her chest. When she looked in the mirror she no longer saw the illusion of a monster version of herself. Instead, she saw the real monster.

The voices in her head had calmed. There was just silence. Silence so deafening, silence that could tear a person at their seams. The type of silence that would leave its victims on edge and paranoid. She felt it was the calm before the storm, and she couldn't do anything about it.

She walked towards the others when Allison began to speak. "All of our faces are burnt off."

She watched five as his tall body swayed hesitantly fighting to keep his eyes open.

"Well that's not creepy." Diego stated tearing off a picture from the wall, "this guy has some serious issues."

"This was never about Vanya..." Allison began, "this was about us."

Five reached under his cardigan and groaned. Eights eyes were still on him watching his every move.

"Five?" Eight asked quietly

His eyes traveled down to her with a pain filled look. She saw as his knees gave out and jumped behind him in an effort to cushion his fall.

She dragged half of his body onto her lap as the other siblings took notice of his state.

"Five! Is that blood?" Allison asked alarmed at eights side.

She lifted his shirt quickly as eight grabbed his head and took some of the pain away.

There was a small bullet wound in his lower abdomen right above his prominent v line. "Jesus, Five." Diego said in shock

Eight was on the verge of throwing up. She grabbed his head tighter and scolded him, "Why didn't you say anything, you asshole!"

He smiled at her weakly. "You have to keep going...so close."

She felt as he lost consciousness and his heart beat slowed.

"No. No. You're not dying on me five! God damnit!" She yelled slapping his cheek lightly.

The group was completely frantic as they rushed through the house into the car.

Eight was already in the backseat with fives head pulled onto her lap when Allison and Diego had finally gotten into the vehicle.

Eight being angry was easily the biggest understatement of the century.

Here she was minutes after finding out what she had done to her mother, holding someone who she considers one of the only constants in her life, dying.

She looked down to five, he looked so peaceful. Too peaceful.

She refused to cry. She wouldn't give anyone that satisfaction of seeing her in pain. Seeing her weak.

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