37. Trouble

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"If you're lookin' for trouble...you came to the right place."

The Frankel Footage

"You interrupted my bath." She snapped back at him, "so don't mind me being annoyed." Eight rolled her eyes.

The other end went quiet at her statement, only faint talking coming from it, "uh, five?" She asked confused. The hairs on the back of her neck stood, and a faint whoosh could be heard. No way.

"Yes?" A deep voice behind her asked, cockiness laced in his tone.

"Perv." She insulted turning around, she felt embarrassed only being in a towel. She quickly regained her composure, she had the power not him.

His eyes trailed up her body slowly, soaking up every last bit of her.

"Are you done staring." She asked.

"No." He snapped back, the corners of his mouth curving upwards. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes, eight admitted it made her nervous. She didn't know exactly what he was thinking, she couldn't predict what he was going to do. It pissed her off.

The phone rang again. Eight turned and picked it up.

Never turn your back to someone.

The other end of the phone called out, "hey are you feeling any better?"

Eight smiled at the voice, "I'm still feeling a bit under the weather but it's okay, thanks Nate. I think tha-"

She felt his body press against her back as she was about to speak to Nate. She felt as his contact lit her skin on fire, and her mind went hazy.

Fives head leaned down to try and hear what Nate was saying on the phone. His hands wandered.

"You still there?" Nate asked from the other end.

"Yeah sorry I thought I heard something." She spit out. Five pressed her body closer to the wall. She let out a small gasp.

She very obviously no longer had the power in this situation.

Nate rambled on about different shoots he had planned for the week, and celebrity gossip. Meanwhile eight struggled to keep composure, occasionally humming to show she was listening.

Five tilted her neck to the side, he started kissing it from behind. "Five." She whispered quietly in annoyance. Eight felt as he smiled against her skin, this time traveling behind her ear to begin making marks.

"What was that?" Nate asked

"Oh sorry, I was thinking out loud." She replied, flushed.

"I like it when you say my name." Five muttered against her skin.

Eight completely froze, on top of that one of fives hands traveled to her waist and pulled her closer.

She felt as if she was going to explode and die of frustration.

Fives hands fidgeted with her towel where the two ends met near the center of her stomach. Eight felt as his fingers slid under the cotton and touched her stomach. She jumped slightly from the cool touches that were now traveling lower.

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