38 - define girlfriend

Start from the beginning

Before I can change my mind, I feel a presence next to me. Chris. Just like me, he's not dressed up, which relieves me a little because I was afraid everyone would be dressed up and I wouldn't be. But as quickly as the relief came, it fades again and uncertainty spreads. I wrap my arms around my stomach, bite my lower lip and kick a pebble away. "Louis, glad you could make it," he grins spitefully. I swallow and stare up at him. But I don't say anything. Maybe I should. Maybe I can prevent the drama that is coming my way.

"Chris?" I almost whisper, which makes him raise his eyebrow in surprise. "Tommo, what's the matter ? Afraid of the big moment?" he laughs and wraps an arm around my shoulder. I push him away from me and clear my throat before answering him. "Isn't there another way for you not to publish the photos?", I ask him almost pleadingly. Amused, he looks down at me and just shakes his head. "Come on, Chris. I'll do anything you want !", I ask him, which makes him stop this time. "Anything ?" he asks with raised eyebrows and a slight smirk on his face. I nod and look at him urgently. He seems to be really thinking about what I said and I hope he'll go for it and I won't have to pretend Eleanor is my girlfriend. There wouldn't be any drama between my curly-head and me either.

"A blow job too?" he wants to know bluntly, catching me off guard. "I- no.", I stammer and look at him confused. "It was worth a try," he says with a shrug, still grinning. "I meant something like I'll do your homework for a month," I begin, not even wanting to say my next suggestion. "Or I step down from the captaincy and you take over," I offer him wistfully. He stares at me with wide eyes. He knows as much as I do how much this post means to me and how much I have worked to become captain. And it breaks my heart because football means everything to me. It's always been the distraction I need when I'm having a bad day or when I'm running away from something.

"You wouldn't do that," my counterpart mumbles, still staring at me in disbelief. If he knew what I would do for Harry and our baby. Just coming out is a bit too far for me right now, because I'm not ready for it yet. "Otherwise I wouldn't have said it, would I?", I reply. With narrowed eyes he looks down at me and seems to be thinking and I hope it really works. I might have lost one of the most important things in my life, but I still have my Hazza and our sunshine by my side. "I'll leave the team altogether for all I care and not accept any of the scholarships I've been offered," I sigh in exasperation, running a hand through my hair that probably looks like a bird has built its nest.

I'm damn serious about my words, even if I never wanted to say them. But if that's the only solution to all this drama, then I won't hesitate to make this one stop. There will be other opportunities for jobs after school. "This is your dream, Tommo," he presses on, looking puzzled. I press my lips together and try to make the burning in my eyes stop. I'm not going to start crying here now. Not in front of Chris. "Yes, but Harry and our child are more important to me and I know if I walk into this house and have to play Eleanor's boyfriend, just so you don't out me, that there will be consequences. Then I'll accept giving up my dream so you don't out me and I don't have to be with a girl either. My family is more important to me," I speak in a shaky voice and as tears really do flow their way down my cheeks, I can't stop myself from starting to cry. I am such a weakling.

I quickly turn away from Chris and wipe the warm liquid from my face. "Then why don't you come out of the closet if your family means everything to you." - "You know Chris, sometimes coming out isn't easy. I'm just not ready and you just forcing me to come out is honestly the worst thing anyone could do," I try to say in a strong voice, but I don't succeed. "Well then, it's no problem if you become Eleanor's boyfriend. I won't let you give up your dream," are his words before he leaves me standing and goes into the house.

So apparently I have no choice but to go through with it and hope Harry stays by my side. And I need alcohol, otherwise I won't survive this evening. That's why my first course also takes me to the kitchen, where I grab a beer and drink it at the drop of a hat. Before I leave the room, I take another bottle and then go in search of my friends. I used to like parties actually, but by now I'd rather be at home. With Harry. I'm pretty sure it's more exciting there than here.

You, I And Our Little Sunshine || Larry mpreg || Book I [English Translation] Where stories live. Discover now