Trust me

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The club is dark and multicolored lights flash above the sea of people, the bass of the music thumps loud enough to rival against the beating in my chest.

We get a private area upstairs that overlooks the entire crowd. I'm not sure how we managed to get a private area so quickly but I don't question it and try to enjoy myself.

I lean over the metal railing and stare down at the people dancing below me. I don't feel as exhausted as I thought I'd be after the wedding yesterday so I plan to enjoy myself while I'm here.

"Wanna go down and dance?" Luna shouts over the music and I hold a thumbs up.

When we get downstairs we weave out way to a more spacious area amongst the crowd and we dance to the beat of the music.

Luna taps me and points towards the DJ booth. Ross is shouting something incoherent and jumps onto the crowd and crowd surfs. We both start laughing at his antics when I feel a hand enclose around my wrist.

I'm spun around and met with a handsome man with a lip piercing and dozens of ear piercings. He looks out of place because of how professional he looks in his two piece suit.

He comes up close to my ear and speaks loud enough for me to hear what he's saying.

"You're very beautiful. Would it be rude to ask you to dance with me?" he says and looks back at my face.

I want to reject him but because of how nicely he asks I accept. He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles and I'm surprised at he action.

He turns me around again and holds onto my hips as we dance around to the music. The man doesn't do anything further inappropriate so I dance along with him.

While dancing I realized we never even introduced ourselves and here I am dancing with a stranger.

"I'm Valerie by the way." I shout loud enough for him to hear and I feel him press up closer to me.

His chest vibrates with laughter against my back before he comes up closer to my ear and replies.

"I'm aware... I don't know if you've hear of me. People call me Mr West." he says and the name sounds familiar.

Where have I heard that name... it feels important.

I see Aaron approaching and I suddenly feel like I've done something gravely wrong because of how furious he looks.

"Looks I have to go. Until next time." he says and let's go of my waist.

I around to say goodbye but he seemingly vanishes and I look between the sea of people confused at how fast he disappears.

A hand grabs a my wrist and I'm pulled towards a chest. I make an 'oof' sound and I look up towards the person I'm slammed against. Aaron breathing erratically and shifting his eyes around the crowd.

I would be distracted at how close we are together and how he grips at my waist if it weren't for the gun he's holding in his hand.

I know we're married now but this is a bit much...

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?"he asks genuinely concerned and I blink at him.

"Yeah I'm fine... what do you mean?"

"Let's go." he say and drags me away by my wrist.

I protest in vain because of how loud the music is and even if he hears me I don't think he cares. I'm dragged back upstairs and he plops me on a chair.

"Stay here." he tells says and tells Cameron something before taking out his phone and calling someone.

"What the fuck is going on now?!" I shout over at Cameron.

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