Catch me if you can

306 15 3

My eyes open into the darkness and my head sways because of the drug still active in my system. My body feels too relaxed and I almost want to go back to sleep.

I'm laying down on a hard surface but my hands or legs aren't tied together which I find odd. The tranquilizer makes me foggy and confused but I do my best to shake it off.

Taking a better look at the space around me I notice I'm in the trunk of a car. The car is driving and ever so often my body knocks against the back of the trunk.

My adrenaline kicks in and I feel around for a latch to open the trunk and when I feel nothing I start ripping up the carpet to find the latch underneath.

I'll have to thank whatever possesed me to watch crime documentaries.

Feeling the latch I wait for the car to stop before I open the trunk. Opening the trunk slowly I climb out legs first and crouch behind the car before slowly lowering the trunk.

With faint click it closes and I duck and run behind the car directly behind me.

The driver in the vehicle looks at me in the rear view mirror with a horrified and concerned expression and I put a finger over my lips to tell them not to say anything.

I still feel uneasy on my legs but I manage to walk up to the pavement. Watching the car drive off, I see just Jake in the car.

The drug he shot me with must of worn off before it was supposed to... I didn't take in all of the contents after all.

He hasn't noticed I've left and I feel relieved. I'm in an area with lots of shops and I make my way into one.

I feel around for my phone in my pocket, I curse myself for accidentally leaving it in the trunk when I crawled out of it.

Walking up to the counter I stumble and nearly fall onto the register. The older man behind the register looks up and stands noticing my appearance.

"Are you alright?" he says concerned

"I need a phone...I-I need to call my fiancé." I tell him and he gives me the phone.

Forgetting I don't know his number I type in Luna's and the phone rings for a while before anyone answers.

"Luna it's me don't hang up." I tell her and I hear a gasp on the other side of the call.

"Valerie? do they have you? where are you?!" Luna says panicked.

"I escaped out of the trunk and I'm fine but, Jake drugged me and I might pass out again so you need to come get me." I say already feeling faint.

She asks me where I am and I look around the store but I don't find any clue of what the name could be.

The bright reflection of a car passing by makes me turn around and I recognize Jake's car.

"Fuck he found me I need to go, I'll call you as so as I can." I reassure her and I hang up the phone.

"Do I need to call the cops young lady?" he asks with a worried expression.

"No it's ok, please don't do that." I say and rush out of the store.

As I make it out of the store we make eye contact and he runs towards me. A wave of dread rushes over me and I run as fast as I can in the opposite direction.

The tranquilizer makes it hard to move and I feel light headed. Rushing past moving traffic a car nearly crashes into me but I keep running without taking a minute to look behind me.

I'm constantly bumping into people and shoving my way through the crowd.

My throat feels sore and dry but I don't have enough time to swallow because of how heavily I'm breathing.

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