The first meeting

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Jail cells are extremely boring... the floors are cold, hard and smell like piss.

It's not all bad though, but then again I've only been here for 4 extremely long and boring hours.

My crime? Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, if you consider a branch a deadly weapon.

The asshole had it coming in my defense and I was having a particularly bad day... the police just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The sound of heavy footsteps tear me away from my daydreaming and I look over to see an officer opening the door to my cell.

"Alright get up, hands in front of you."
he says boredly and cuffs me.

"I must say the hospitality I've been presented with is 5 star worthy I mean the atmosphere is -" my sarcasm gets interrupted by a swift and forceful shove forward while walking to interigation.

I'm plopped onto a chair and cuffed to a piece of metal in the middle of the table.

While waiting I look around the room, to the left of me is a two way mirror that takes up most of the wall, on the top right corner is a camera facing my direction and another camera behind me to my right facing the chair in front of me.

The walls are a light gray colour and the florencent lights above my head shine an unnatural white colour that could induce an instant migrane.

A short man that looks about in his late forties with the sides of his hair holding few more gray hair than the top of his head... or should I say receding hairline sits himself down in front of me.

"Miss Harrison I'm officer Brown you are being charged with assault -" Before he could say anything further I interrupt him.

"I refuse to talk to you or anyone else in this building until I'm presented with a lawyer. "

Just before he could open his mouth again a tall blonde man in a crisp suit slams the door behind the officer open with a resonating bang .

"Miss Harrison is my client do not speak with her unless I'm present in the room, I'm sure you understand Mr Brown. "

Talk about timing...

What was more confusing was that I've never seen this man in my life, also the fact that he definitely was not my lawyer.

There's a tap on the two way mirror the officer excuses himself looking rather defeated and I find that it's the perfect opportunity to ask this man who he was.

I turn towards him and frown my eyebrows "Who the fuck are you supposed to be? you're not my lawyer."

He smiles and says "It's nice to finally meet you to Miss Valerie I didn't think we would have to meet each other so soon my name is Cameron Frederick's and I'm here to make sure you don't go to prison "

"Did my grandfather send you? I already told him I want nothing to do with the family business he can't make me do what he wants."

There are things in life that you know you won't enjoy before even trying it... breaking a bone, burning your hand on a stove or even just cutting your hair way too short on one side.

Mine would be marrying a man I don't know so that my family's company doesn't lose relevance and go bankrupt.

My family specializes in industrial printers and other traditional ink using products but with the new wave of the internet there's no use for newspapers and in turn our company has lost a large amount of clientele.

My grandfather was traditional in every sense and insisted that the company would be fine but in just 3 years our profits halfed and have been in a steady decline ever since.

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