Heart to heart

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After our 'heart to heart', both of us seem to just about tolerate eachother whenever we see one another.

We remain civil to the point, all our interactions feel scripted and dare I say almost awkward. We greet, do whatever we need to do, then leave.

Nothing more and nothing less, for some reason I feel constantly annoyed by the whole situation. The only times I've spoken to him before now, ended in me arguing with him and now we hardly even talk at all after 'talking things through'.

This goes on for about two weeks go by before I call Luna in the afternoon and tell her to come over so I have some company.

We talk about what we got up to in London and what we're doing now. Cameron and Luna seem to be closer than before since they temporarily live together and I wouldn't be surprised if they got together in a month or so.

"Now it's just boring, I have nothing to do." I tell her while laying down on the bed.

"At least all the preparations are done, I can't wait to go to Italy!" she says excitedly.

"Luna...it's what? 2 months away?" I say.

"Less than that, but who cares about the details." she replies waving me off.

"Hey did you ever find out who tried to kkdnap you?" she asks curiously.

"Actually I forgot to ask..."

"Bitch how do you forget someone tried to kidnap you?" she says looking at me like I grew two heads.

I shrug and sit up against the pillows on my bed and make myself comfortable. She huffs at me before talking again.

"Are you avoiding Aaron again?"Luna asks.

"No we're actually getting along...in a way. Wait what do you mean 'again' ?" I reply confused.

"Do you know how obvious you too are?" say says raising her brow.

"What?" I reply and knit my brows together.

"You know what, I'll let you figure it out by yourself. So if you'll excuse me Cameron is waiting for me outside." she says and we make our way outside.

The sun is setting and it's slightly chilly outdoors when I push open the front door.

Cameron and Luna wave goodbye and drive off and I make my way to the kitchen I've been avoiding since I got here.

Swinging open the door a fast moving object nearly gazes me and a loud thud resounds next to me.

Looking to my left and I'm met with my reflection on the large kitchen knife next to me and all I can do is stare at it open mouthed.

"Kitchen off limits. Out." he large man says in a Russian accent.

He's tall and muscular with a shaved head and a constant sour look on his face. He's extremely intimidating but compared to Aaron he's nothing special.

The white shirt, black pants and black appron tied around him makes him look like a professional chief. He almost reminds me of the Russian boxer in Rocky.

"Like hell it is. You nearly killed me asshole!" I snap at him and yank the knife out of the wall.

Making my way towards him, I point the tip of the knife towards him accusingly before speaking again.

"What makes you think you can throw a knife at me, let alone tell me what to do? " I say with my free hand on my hip.

"My kitchen, my rules. Out." he says again and outstretches his hand for me to hand him the knife.

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