To be unholy

408 20 12

It's been a week since I found out about everything and I'm still oddly calm about it. I guess Luna succeeded in distracting me because we've been running around doing so many things for the wedding.

Considering the fact we both quit our jobs, we don't have much else to do.

Luckily I'm not too worried because Aaron pays her for being my assistant and really it just feels like we're doing this for fun.

We've made a broad outline of the theme, location and the style of the dress I want. Along with contacting florist, bakeries for the wedding cake and preparing the information to give out to make custom invitations.

Aaron hasn't spoken to me at all this week but, sent all the information about things we might need through Cameron and Luna.

I suppose I'm having so much fun because it doesn't feel like I'm doing my own wedding and I'm not to hung up on making everything perfect.

Aaron and I are supposed to meet to look through everything I've gathered as well as look at 2 potential venues available at such short notice.

I'm reluctant to see him again not because he's the grandson of a mafia boss but because I had a panic attack in front of him...stupid I know.


The notification sound from my phone makes me grab it and I see Aaron text that he's outside and I make my way out.

Despite it being spring it's been unusually warm for these past few weeks but today seems to be colder, so I decide to where a ankle length a black trench coat with a white turtle neck, with black straight cut pants and black heeled boots.

Walking outside and I look around for Aarons car. A black Mercedes rolls up in front of me and Aaron gets out to open the door for me.

I would of tried to avoid looking at him, but I can't help but notice that we're wearing the exact same outfit and I almost want to run back upstairs to change.

We don't even greet each other and we drive off to the first venue in silence.

Arriving at the venue way make out way to the rooftop and a women shows us around. For a loveless marriage this is definitely fancy.

The venue is called 3 West club, it's a rooftop venue with tall buildings and a church surrounding the area. Along with in house catering and a ballroom.

The only problem is that the venue is way too small considering the number of people getting invited from Aaron's side of the family alone.

"Well what do you think?" the women tell us.

"It's really beautiful but I'm not sure this venue is big enough for all the guests we're inviting unfortunately." I say before Aaron can answer her.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I hope you find some thing more suitable." she says apologetically.

"You two make a wonderful couple.I love your matching outfits! " she says and looks between us.

"Umm yes thank you." I say not sure how to react.

We make it back to the car when he gets a phone call but I don't pay attention to what he's saying, more concentrated on my phone.

"The second venue canceled." he states out loud.

"Ah shit what do we do?" I turn to him and reply anxiously.

"We'll meet with the priest first then, I'll make other arrangements." he says and we drive off to the church.

We arrive at a Large Catholic church and make our way inside. I look around at the tall arches and marble style columns.

Aaron greets the priest but I keep looking around me, taking in the space.

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