Do I wanna know?

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Finally listening to what I say, Aaron allows me to go with him to the underground casino. This seems to be his current base of operations in sorting out business and what to do about the man trying to kidnap me.

Mr West also know as Dexter who trades out of Japan is currently trying to abduct me. I'm not sure whether he's willing to travel all the way to Italy since he's mainly in Japan most of the year. So it's unlikely he would go through the trouble of traveling without me already captive.

Depending on how desperate he is they might try even harder to get to me this time. We're currently in the room filled with intimidating men and Aaron is briefing the men on final security details surrounding the wedding.

The wedding is a little over a week away from now and I almost feel anxious that something might happen. But I feel a little more confident knowing I have an entire team of armed men willing to guard us on the day.

"That's all for now, you're dismissed." Aaron says and the men clear from the room.

I'm sitting at one of the tables staring at the giant sniper rifle next to me and I almost want to lift it up and feel how heavy it is.

"Wanna hold it?" Cameron says next to me.

"Can I?" I say surprised.

He nods and puts it in the table infront of me and motions for me to pick it up. Grabbing it firmly in my hands I lift it up and I'm surprised at it's weight.

"That's not a toy Valerie." Aaron states and tries to take it from me.

"Yeah I know genius, I was just curious." I say boredly while staring fascinated at the weapon.

"Aaron would you relax? you're always so uptight around her." Cameron says and I have to stop myself from laughing at Aaron's expression.

I don't pay attention to what they continue whispering about and I somehow manage to put the gun back on the wall.

Turning around Aaron looks at Cameron's retreating figure with a frown and I almost want to ask him what he said to make him look like that.

He looks back at me and exhales through his nose and looks at the row of handguns to my left. He looks back at me again and I frown at him confused.

"Come." he says and takes two hand guns off the wall.

"Huh?" I say and hurriedly follow behind him.

We enter another door connected to this room and it looks like a gun range. 'Only he would have an underground gun range' I think to myself while looking around.

"Put this on." he says and hands me black ear covers and clear eye protectors.

"What are we doing?" I ask curiously hoping he'll let me shot one of the guns.

"I'm teaching you how to shot, you might need to learn." he simply states.

All I can do is grin ear to ear and Aaron frowns at my enthusiasm, but doesn't say anything.

He shows me how everything works then fires a few rounds and I flinch at how loud it is even though I'm wearing ear covers. Looking over at the target the head, heart and chest area is covered with bullet holes.

"Do you think you can do it?" he says and hands over the other gun.

Grasping it firmly in my hands I stand with my feet shoulder with apart with my arms straight out infront of me aiming for the target.

Nervously I breathe in, then out and press my index figure on the trigger. The gun is more powerful than I think and my wrist and arm jerks back at the single shot and I close my eyes.

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