Reasons not to drink

605 26 23

I look up and see a tall man walking in my direction and I can't help but stand up as well.

He stops a few steps in front of me . My heart picks up for what feels like the millionth time today and a shiver runs up my back making me stand up uncomfortably rigid.

Fuck my life.

I can tell he's more than a head taller than me even from this distance, his hair is dark, grown out in the front and back and covers the ends of his eyebrows but it somehow still looks neat.

His eyes are a medium brown colour with slight green around the middle nearly unnoticeable if you don't look properly, dark lashes and damn near perfect eyebrows.

I suddenly feel my mouth become dry and I hold onto the glass tight enough for my knuckles to turn white.

oh no he's hot!

He sits down on the couch and sets down the folder of documents in his hands.

"I assume you know about the marriage arrangement and merger? let's not waste anymore time and sign the papers."

His slight English accent comes through strongly and his deep voice compliments it well.

A hot guy with an accent ... FUCK!

Standing still frozen in my spot unable to say anything. He sees me just staring at him and he sighs.

"Miss Harrison I know this arrangement is less than ideal but please sit down and sign the papers." he says with the same expressionless face he walked in with.

He slides the papers over the coffee table in front of where I'm standing and and grabs and pen out of his suit and places it on the papers. He leans back into the couch, crosses his legs and checks his watch like he has something better to do.

I don't blame him, I don't want to do this either. I managed to delay this for 2 years by some miracle and now it's time to face the music.

Drinking all the contents of my glass once again, I flop down onto the seat and I realize... I've drank way too much at once and my tolerance being non - existent is a recipe for disaster.

I grab the pen and inspect the contents of the documents, from what I've skimmed it has to do with my family printing company being merged with another and also a marriage certificate?

I'm can't tell because the room is swaying and I'm having a hard time concentrating. Ive been reading the documents for way longer than I should of.

I chuckle at the fact I can't concentrate on what I'm reading which turns into me laughing so hard I struggle to breath.

Dropping the pen on the papers I continue laughing and fall backwards onto the couch, I then fall sideways nearly landing on his lap.

"I can't breath, ouch my stomach ." I say between fits of wheezing . I slap his arm and keep it there while continuing to laugh I while hold my stomach with my other hand.

I try to calm myself down, I lift myself up, my hand lands up on his thigh and I end up inches from his face. His thigh tenses at the touch and I notice how pretty his eyes are.

"Wow your eyes are so pretty." I say unaware of the situation. Not noticing the expression on his face and my hand on his arm and thigh, I sit up properly and lay my head on the arm rest next to me and curl up feeling sleepy.

I feel the couch beside me lift and I drift off into the darkness too intoxicated and tired from the stress of the whole situation too care that I'm taking a nap on a strangers couch.

Mrs Valentino ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें