Push and pull

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We land in Italy hours later and get booked into a beautiful hotel over Lake como, which is also where we will also be holding the wedding ceremony.

Standing over the balcony attached to the room I breath in the fresh air and close my eyes, feeling the soft breeze of the night against my face.

Narrowly escaping being kidnapped once again and witnessing murder, really does drain you. On top of a few hours flight I couldn't get a wink of sleep on, I'm exhausted.

I stayed awake the entire 13 hour flight, my body was still in survival mode and I was honestly scared I was just dreaming that I escaped.

I requested Cameron to make sure Gustav was ok and he confirmed that he was alright, along with also slicing up Jake a few times before he took off with me. I smiled at the fact and also requested he take over as the head chief for the catering team on the wedding day.

Much to my dismay I have to share a room with Aaron since it would be weird if we didn't because we are technically 'engaged'.

I'm ready for bed but I can't sleep just yet. I stay outside on the balcony and fidget with the ends of my robes sleeves.

"Valerie you're shivering it's time for bed." Aaron says behind me and I sigh.

Making my way off the balcony, I close the glass doors and draw the curtains over it and make my way to bed.

Climbing into bed I notice Aaron doesn't get it next to me but goes into the lounge area of the hotel room with a pillow and blankets.

Left alone with my thoughts my body is too exhausted to allow me to keep myself awake any longer and I quickly fall into slumber.

Tossing and turning my body lays restless in the bed. Tears flow down my face and my body becomes more frantic.

Waking up to my own screams is one of the worst experiences I could of possibly imagined. I'm pushing away at whenever is around me.

I'm confused crying, scared, shaking and it takes a second to even remember the dream I was having.

"Valerie you're safe. It's ok you're fine." Aaron says holding onto my shoulders.

Realizing that I'm fine I start sobbing into my hands, relieved that I'm not trapped anywhere.

Feeling Aaron's arms around me makes me flinch at first, but the need for comfort is too strong for my pride to take over.

Hugging him around the neck, I continue sobbing into his collar and he wraps me in a tight embrace.

He doesn't seem to mind my tears soaking his shirt because he only rubs my back and I almost want to cry harder at his tenderness.

Every possible emotion is running through me at once and I feel so bad for always arguing with him whenever I see him.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I say inbetween sobs and by now I'm ugly crying on this poor man.

"You didn't do anything Valerie, it's ok." he reassures me but that only makes my crying worse.

"I was mean to y-you." I say again while crying.

I feel his body move with laughter and I draw back from him confused. My eyes are puffy and my cheeks are still damp with tears.

"Blow your nose." he tells me and hands me a tissue.

Not saying anything, I blow my nose and I'm finally able to breath through it and I involuntarily sniff because of all my crying.

Aaron bites he side of his mouth in a way that makes it look like he's trying not to laugh and my bottom lip quivers again, assuming he's making fun of me.

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