"How's basketball going?" He asked bringing the red plastic cup to his lips and taking a sip. "It's not." I said frowning, grabbing his cup and taking a swing.

"Why not?" He asked confused. "I'm benched until I bring my grade up," I grumbled. "Damn Lo, I know the feeling though." I nodded, waiting for him to explain.

"Coach benched me too, mid-season. And he made me practice extra hard at that, making me get up at 6 am for practices and running me like I Satan's little bitch," I laughed, Adam was one of the few guy friends I had, "but it all worked out in the end. I brought my grade up and now I'm a beast on the court." He smirked taking another sip from his cup.

Adam was indeed a beast on the court, so many colleges wanted him and he was only a junior. He was definitely a shoe in for an athletic scholarship.

"Adam what are you doing hanging out with her?" Austin groaned, grabbing Adam's collar trying to drag him away.

Did I mention Adam was Austin's younger brother? It's hard to believe considering Austin is such a jerk and Adam is sweet, charming and definitely a ladies man. In no way was he a womanizer like his brother though, he treated girls with respect, he was a gentleman.

"Because she's my friend you fucktard." He huffed getting out of his older brother's grip.

Austin rolled his eyes, "whatever," he said and turned his attention somewhere else. "God, he's such a dick." He uttered.

"How are you guys even related?" I mused. He shrugged his shoulders. "I ask myself that everyday." Both of us started laughing. He was such a fun spirit to be around.

We got into a heated conversation about who's the better player. Steph Curry or Nick Young. I obviously chose Steph but he insisted on Nick, like really dude? Come on!

He then said he was better than me on the court which was a complete and total lie! We got into a heated argument about that. We were talking about having a game of one on one to settle our dispute when a certain 5'2 brunette walked into the room causing my head to spin.

She was wearing a casual black dress and her hair was in natural curls, she honestly looked so perfect, like an angel.

I looked down to her feet and was met with the most adorable sight ever, black all-star converse. I giggled and made my way over to her but not before setting my game up with Adam, we were definitely going to settle this on the court.

"Hey Camz." I grinned, handing her a plastic cup. She gladly took the cup in her hand and took a sip.

"Hey Lauren," she smiled, "I really like your beanie." I really like your everything.

"I really like your outfit, especially the shoes." I winked at her and her cheeks turned crimson.

"Thank you," she giggled adorably. "I couldn't wear heels because I'd probably break my ankle."

"I wouldn't be surprised." I joked, she playfully pushed me causing my shoulder to ache a little.

"Walz!" I heard Dinah yell, "China!" Camila yelled back. "I'm gonna go talk to Dinah," I frowned but nodded nonetheless, of course she doesn't want to hang out with me.

"I'll meet you back here in say an hour?" I perked up and nodded happily. "Okay,"

She walked to Dinah, as I walked over to Vero who was all over some girl, kissing her neck.

"Woah, woah! Get a room you two!" Vero flipped me off as she continued to attack the unknown girl's neck.

"Woah Vero, no thanks." I joked, I love being annoying and cockblocking her. She gets so irritated it's hilarious.

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