Wake up!

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We quickly found ourselves cornered, but soon saw Zemo on top of a container shooting at the hunters, causing another explosion. 

"Sometimes I forget that he has war experience." I commented.

Once we could run clear from the bounty hunters, we made our escape, and ran throughout the shipyard. "Supercharged!" Zemo said as he stopped a getaway car right in front of us.

"You're going back to jail." Sam scolded him.

"Do you want to find Karli or not?" Zemo asked sarcastically.

"He's right. There's three of us and at least 20 of them." Bucky got into the car.

"Fine, but you try that shit again!" Sam warned Zemo.

"Wouldn't think of it!" Zemo said.

"Well, that's one hell of a reunion!" Sharon said, she and Sam greeted goodbyes.

"Thanks for everything." he said and sat on the seat, "You are not gonna move your seat up, are you?" asked Sam.

"No." Bucky replied.


We reached Latvia for the search of Donya Madani's funeral, a lead to Karli. We searched refuge camps for the information but no luck. Before leaving Zemo sang a nursery rhyme  which attracted some kids there, a little girl whispered something in his ears. Eager to know about the information, Bucky almost hit him when he refused to spill the beans after we went to the safe-house. 

We followed Zemo through the streets, until we ran into the dollar store Captain America and his partner. "Bloody hell! He looks worse in person!" I said.

Hearing me, Bucky lightly chuckled. "How'd you find us?" he asked to them.

"Come on! You really think three Avengers can walk around Latvia without getting attention?" Walked pointed out.

"Touché!" I commented.

"It's an honour to meet you in person, Ms. Callisto. I am Captain America." Walker said to me.

"It's a shame to say the feeling's not mutual, Walker." I smiled.

He rolled his eyes and continued, "No more keeping us in the dark. You could start by telling us why you broke him out of prison?" 

"He did that himself, technically." Bucky annoyed him.

"Oh! This better be explaina-" I cut Walker.

"He knows where Karli is."

"Well, where?" Walker asked.

"All we know is, it's a memorial. So, we're gonna intercept her there." Sam replied.

"Which means people, civilians. You don't wanna smash an innocent with that shield and ruin your reputation, do you?" I gibbed and smirked. (Yeah, yeah! I know it's dark.)

"Alright. We'll move in fast and take her by surprise." he decided everything himself. I looked at Bucky and noticed him already looking at me with the same level of disappointment.

"No, I wanna talk to her alone. I'm not losing her again. Look, the person closet to her died, she's vulnerable. If there's anytime to reason with her, it's now." Sam disagreed with him.

"Look, Sam is good at doing stuff like this. He knows what to do." I tried to calm them both.

"Why is it everyone wants me to behave like Steve? I am trying my best. Karli is beyond being reasoned unless, you all forgot the fact she blew up a building with people in it!" Walker lashed out.

"First off, it's Steve Rogers to you and second, you need a bloody reality check cause the world doesn't revolve around you, John. No one expecting anything from you! We'll go there anyway, you either come with us or go there without us, we'll reason with Karli either way and you can't stop us." I snapped, "Are you in?" I asked one last time, as calm as Dumbledore.

"Yes." John looked down.

As we waited for Zemo's lead, Bucky said in French "Shit!"

"What?" I asked in the same way.

"Loki got you before me." 

"Shut up!" I chuckled.

We went the funeral location by the help of the girl Zemo talked with earlier. At the building, Walker handcuffed Zemo to the wall. 

"Really? You want to be kinky right now, John?" Zemo teased.

"Shut up!" Walker said. As Sam entered the building, he declared, "Sam, you got ten minutes. Then we're doing this my way."

"Aggressive but I get it." Zemo said.

We stayed outside the room, Zemo hummed a Sokovian lullaby to pass time. However, Walker grew impatient.

"Uh-uh! No-no-no-no! This is a bad idea." Walker mumbled.

"It hasn't been ten minutes, John. Just sit tight." Bucky said.

"Don't do that! Don't patronize me!" Walker panicked.

"He knows what he's doing." Bucky tried to stop him.

"Ten bucks, James' gonna hit him." Zemo said to me.

"Hundred, he won't" I said.

"What makes you say that?" he asked curiously.

"If he is destined to hit John, I would know. And I haven't so I know." 

"You can prevent future?"

"There's a different. I can't prevent it, I can slightly bend it."

"....Do you want his blood on your hands? His blood too?" Walked tried to test Bucky's patience.

"Walker, stay in your limits, ok?" I warned him.

Walked heavily exhaled and attempted to enter the building, I stopped with my magic. I yanked him down, making him fall to his feet.

"Magic, nice! So, this is how you did that horrible thing to Jessica and Thomas." Walked stood up and walked to me, "Yes, I know what happened. When we searched for you, I got in contact with a SWORD agent, he told me that Maximoff mentioned Thomas. I was curious, so on our way here, I talked with the British government. What they said shocked me, you went into correction prison in Berlin when you were young, for a murder and disfiguring a man's face." he made me remember those horrible moments again, "You didn't just murder Mysterio, you murdered an innocent girl!"

"John, stop!" Bucky stopped him from speaking more, "Enough of this!" 

"John, you crosse-" Lemar couldn't complete as Walker ran in as soon as he saw the doorway empty.

Bucky and Lemar ran after him, only Zemo and I were left. "Aren't you gonna join them?" he asked. I didn't respond, I lost in my thoughts. I felt the guilt once again. I felt like a murderer once again. "Callisto, I am talking to you." he repeated.

He tried to walked to me and couldn't because of the handcuffs. He shot them a hidden gun he brought with him and came to me. He shook my shoulders, "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!" he called me name. "Y/N, wake up! I don't like this. Y/N, wake up!" he repeated the same, "Jesus Christ!" he left.


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