I have 7 PHDs!

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Having taken control of the Commodore, Thor and I had then piloted the ship high over Sakaar  while The Grandmaster alerted his followers of the situation and ordered them to find and capture Thor, noting that he had also kidnapped his champion, Hulk.

"Open the door." Valkyrie requested.

"Ok." I said as I pressed the button.

As the door opened, Banner came flying to our ship. He landed on his stomach, as he grunted. I walked to him and helped him stand up, "Shouldn't we be shooting back or something?" he asked in panic.

"Yes, he is right." I said.

"Where are the guns on the ship?" Thor asked Valkyrie as he searched for the buttons.

"There aren't any, It's a leisure vessel. Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff." she replied as we flew past Grandmaster's ships.

"Did she just say the Grandmaster uses it for orgies?" asked Banner.

"Yeah. Don't touch anything." I said in disgust.

I saw Valkyrie fighting with Topaz's ship, that is when the oldie blew up her ship "NO!" the boys shouted.

"Chill! Look there, she is alive." I pointed "Get inside!" I said to her, she was hanging from the window.

"In a minute!" she yelled.

"I should help her." I said. As I was leaving Thor called my name.

"Wait Y/N! Take the wheel, Bruce. I am also coming." he said.

"Don't, we both will be enough. He needs you to fly the ship." I suggested.

"He can use his PHDs." Thor said.

"I have 7 PHDs and none of them are for flying." Banner said as he almost lost control of the ship.

I shrugged my shoulders "Maybe, you are right." Thor said and sat back to fly the ship.

"Like I am always!" I smiled and jumped down.

I landed on one of the Grandmaster's ship and tore its wing with my powers. I flew to another and broke the window, there was a man flying it. "Hello, sir!" I said and teleported him to land and with a snap the ship was on fire.

"Keep going!" Valkyrie yelled as she attacked the others.

I teleported on the ship which was in the middle of all the others, the gun was in my control now. I used it to knock all the other ship as Valkyrie jumped to the front ones and headed to our ship.

I heard some weird music, while I turned there was a giant building. The ship I was on crashed to it and I fell down, surprisingly it was Topaz's ship. I obviously survived but she didn't, who cares? I was between the crowd of Sakaar, people were looking at me with fear in their eyes. I was confused 'Are my eyes black again?' I thought but I knew they weren't. "What's wrong, mate?" I asked a teenage boy.

"Your hand," he said.

I turned and saw my arm on fire, my hand was burning and my bones were visible "Didn't notice that." I said and extinguished the fire "Thanks." I flew up.

"You are right at time, it's here, The Devil's Anus." Banner said as Thor flew to The Devil's Anus.

"Stop calling it that, it is- it is very weird." I said.

"Hey, sit down and tie your seatbelts." Thor said.

"Here we go!" Valkyrie beamed.

"In different circumstances, this would be truly awesome!" I used my magic to click a picture of the beautiful yet dangerous moment.

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