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I packed up most of my clothes and grabbed my toothbrush from the bathroom. Hayward told me that I need to stay in Westview rescue camp for at least, he doesn't know!! Anyway, I am far from the city and far from the drama. My name is cleared so I can leave the country if needed, I just need to inform Damage Control. I gave my house key to Happy because he was one of the trusted people. 

Arriving at Westview rescue camp, I was greeted by a few scientists. "Darcy Lewis, Astrophysics." the woman shook hands with me.

"Nice to meet you, doc." I smiled and greeted others.

We were given a separate camp, where Jimmy, Darcy, a few soldiers, and I discussed the hex and the missing people. Jimmy stayed silent as Darcy and I talked about the hex. "How do we find out what is happening inside the hex?" he asked.

"Um-I don't know." Darcy said.

"Can you read the energy, Darcy? Like scientifically?" I asked.

"I can try." she said and took out her tools.

After half an hour, we finally studied the energy. "What is it?" Jimmy asked.

"CMBR, it's complicated but I really need a tv." Darcy replied.

"I'll call Happy, he'll arrange a new tv." I said.

"No, an old tv, vintage." she said.


Darcy managed to tap into the fictional program, the show started when she plugged in the TV. The intro song filled the room with its music which gained Hayward's attention as well as mine. 

I observed the show, there was Wanda and there was Vision but more like a human, it was crazy because they acted as if they were in an old sitcom. "Is it happening in real-time?" I asked.

"I don't know." Darcy replied.

"Is it recorded? Fabricated?" Hayward asked.

"I don't know and I don't know." she replied again.

"What do you know?" Hayward asked frustrated.

"I read CMBR on the hex, entwined was a broadcast frequency. So I had your goons pick me up a sweet vintage TV. And when I plug this bad boy in, voilà, sound and picture." she explained.

"So you're saying the universe created a sitcom starring two Avengers?" Jimmy asked.

"No, it isn't the universe." I contemplated the show and saw another familiar face. "It's Wanda and it's getting personal."


I viewed the file containing all the missing people and noticed one was missing, the one I was searching for, I gathered everyone to explain the case. "Originally, this case was a missing person, so we're going to start there. We've successfully identified the two individuals inside the Westview anomaly. Let's keep going." I said.

"So, Sharon Davis is Mrs. Hart. Todd Davis is Arthur Hart. She's changing their names and turning them into characters in her show. Why?" Jimmy wrote on the whiteboard.

"Matsueda is Beverly but-I don't understand. Who's Agnes? We don't have her file." Darcy questioned.

"She must be someone with no family, no one filed her report." Jimmy guessed.

"You are right, she doesn't have a family." I said.

"You know her?" asked Hayward.

"I never said that." I replied. "Darcy, I am gonna go contact Wanda with that old broadcaster you brought, just check if she listens." I went outside the camp.

"Ready?" Darcy asked over the com.

"Yes, here I go." I pressed the button, "Wanda, can you hear me? Wanda, Wanda." I called out Wanda's name. "Can she hear me?" I asked Darcy.

"Lemme try." Jimmy took the mic, "Wanda, Wanda, who's doing this to you?" he spoke, "Wanda, Wanda." he repeated.

"Any change?" I asked.

"That was weird!" Darcy mumbled.

"What?" I asked, "What was weird?" 

"Um-nothing." she replied.

"This investigation's going nowhere." I smashed the table.


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