"You're never gonna be Ironman!"

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"Ouch!" Peter winced as Happy sewed his wounds. 

Happy rescued us from the Netherlands, it was a long story but Happy was patient enough to hear us. We told him about Beck, his plan of revenge, and his hatred for Tony. 

Peter winced once again when the needle pierced his skin, "I thought you had super strength?" asked Happy.

"Yeah, but it still hurts." Peter replied.

I was lying on the sofa with my eyes closed with ice packs on my back. "What's the plan, guys? I lost my magic and I can't move, how will we defeat Beck?" I asked.

"We'll think about it. Where's Thor? Or maybe Clint?" Happy suggested.

"Thor's off planet and Clint is missing." I replied.

"Oh! I forgot to check on Clint, he is running away because of the Ronin issue." Happy sewed Peter's last wound but accidentally hurt Peter. "Relax! Relax!" he said as Peter winced more.

"Don't tell me to relax, Happy! How can I relax when I messed up so bad?" Peter snapped, "I trusted Beck. I gave the only thing Mr. Stark left behind for me and now he'll kill my friends and half of Europe so please do not tell me to relax!" 

"Oh, Peter!" I sighed and got off the sofa, my back still hurting.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he repeated as he sat down and realised he yelled at Happy. "Everywhere I go, I see his face. I know he's alive and I know he's safe but he's not here and I feel vulnerable, the whole world is asking who's going to be the next Iron Man and... I don't know if that's me. I'm not Iron Man." he tearfully expressed his sorrows.

"You are not Ironman. You can't be Ironman." Happy spoke, "Nobody could live up to Tony, not even Tony. Tony is my best friend and he's a mess."

"Tony and I shared a sibling bond. We had disagreements, we had happy moments and he told me that he second-guessed everything he did," I started, "The one thing he did he didn't second guess was picking you. He wouldn't leave if he didn't know that you were here gonna be here while he was gone. Happy can confirm that."

"Yes, Y/N's right. You are never gonna be Ironman, you are gonna be better because that's what Tony wants. Now, your friends are in trouble. You're all alone. Your tech is missing. What are you gonna do about it?" Happy asked.

"I'mma kick ass." Peter stood up motivated.

"No, I mean right now. Specifically, what are we gonna do? Because we've been hovering over a tulip field for the last fifteen minutes." Happy specified.

"Right! I can't call my friends because he's tracking their phones." Peter recalled.

"Flash's social media!" I suggested.

"Yeah, nice! Give me your phone, Happy." Happy passed his phone to Peter. We learned that his friends were in London just like the plan, leading Happy to prepare to fly the jet.

"I need a suit and Y/N needs one too." Peter reminded Happy.

Happy excitedly activated a suit synthesizer hidden behind the room. "Ok, um-I need a suit that helps my limbs to move with just a thought. Something I can control with my mind." I few options popped us, Peter did the same, he focused on the designs of different  web shooters. 

While making our suits I noticed Happy smiling at us proudly. "I'll take care of the music." Happy said and played Back in Black by AC/DC.

The music refreshed my mind as I vibed to it forgetting the pain and made my suit, "Oh! I love Led Zeppelin!" Peter mistook the artist.

"Don't you disappoint me now when you have my respect, Pete!" I taunt.

"It's Back in Black! Ah! Sorry!" 


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