You again?

490 11 3

As we approached, the Guardians and I found Thanos brutally interrogating the Collector for the whereabouts of the Reality Stone. Despite Quill's attempts to command the Guardians and me to hold position, we continued to close in on Thanos. I passed him a sorry smile, to which he rolled his eyes.

"Drax! Drax!" Quill mouthed Drax to stop.

"For my wife and daughter!" Drax mumbled to himself.

"Stop, what are you doing?" I asked them in a whisper.

"Not yet." Quill tried to stop him, he was failing but then Mantis put her hand on Drax head and made him sleep.

Drax fell on the ground making noise which led Thanos to sense our presence, he threw the Collector near some ruins and walked to our direction.

"Ok, Gamora, Mantis you go right." Quill said, Gamora left "The other right!"

She swung her sword at Thanos which he first dodge but the second time, he caught it. The sword broke but Gamora stabbed him in the neck by the broken piece, he growled and she took out her switchblade. She stabbed him in his heart, I flew to help her but saw the job done. I conjured my sword to finish the job, going for his head but her crying made my heart melt.  Knowhere began to dissolve in a red mist, revealing a burning wasteland, Thanos' trickery was finally revealed.

"Reality can be whatever I want!" he said, revealing the Reality Stone.

"You are gonna pay if you harm my reality." I said to him, forming a fireball in one hand.

"You again? I thought I killed you." he said to me showing somewhat confusion.

"Problem is darling, no one can kill me." I threw the fireball at him but was shocked when he turned it into bubbles "What?"

He pointed at the red glowing stone, studded to his metal glove, shining brightly and irritating me. I teleported behind him and stabbed his neck but again, it was an illusion "I'll make sure you die this time."

"Many did." I smirked, but then I felt dizzy. My body was slowly losing weight, I looked down to see me turning into dust.

"Now you, my child." the last words I heard before fully turning into dust.


"You survived!" I heard a woman's voice.

"Who are you now?" I asked as I woke up, I was lying on the same table of The Guardians' ship. It was a blue robotic lady, her eyes black.

"Nebula." she answered, the rest of the gang stood behind her but one was missing.

"Where's Gamora?" I asked.

"He-he took her." Quill said.

I was about to say something but we heard a loud crash "Suit up fast!" I said and stood up.

"You and Nebula should stay her and guard the ship." Quill suggested.

"I-ok nevermind but say my name if anything goes wrong, make sure you say the full name." I say and they leave.

"Are you a witch?" Nebula asked after few minutes of awkward silence.

"I don't cast spells, I am not a witch." I replied.


"Nope, but currently dating one. We are in Titan, right?" 

"Yes." she answered "A celestial like Quill?"

"I am just a human."


"But immortal."


"I don't know, I am an orphan too. I was adopted by lady, she taught me control my powers."

"I am adopted too, Thanos is my adopted father."

"You and Gamora?"


"I am sorry, I couldn't protect her."

"It's not your-"

"Wait!" I interrupted her "Quill just called me." 

We both teleported there "What the-"

I saw Peter with Stark and a man with some awesome facial hair "Peter?" I gasped.

"Yes?" Quill answered.

"Not you, idiot." I saw Quill holding Peter by his neck, him at his gunpoint "Leave him, Quill."

"They are enemies." he whined.

"No, they are not!" I said.

"Yes, we are not." Stark repeated mocking Quill, him not losing his sass even after being in a serious situation always made me confuse.

"Tell me what's happening or I'll French fry this little freak." 

"Let's do it, you shoot my guy and I'll blast him. Let's go!" 

"Do it, Quill. I can take it"

"You can't!" I shouted "There will be no shooting and blasting people here!" I sighed "Lower your weapon Quill and you too, Stark."

"What's happening?" Peter asked "I thought you were gone."

"There is a lot to explain." I sighed.


I am back baby!

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