What is this sorcery?

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Rest, rest was what I needed. I went to the hotel after the fight and took a shower, we went home the next morning. Peter got a new suit, he was happy, I was happy too, after all he was like kid to me. Months passed, me still teacher in Mid town High-school and trying to live a normal life Sometimes I used magic; magic when I felt lazy, magic to clean the house, magic to make food, magic to even dress me, so life was going smoothly. I even placed a shield around my flat, it protected me when I used magic inside and prevented magic from outside. I used to study magic in my house in Britain and the preventing other peoples magic was and inspired from runes. My sweet old lady helped me with my magic, she helped me learn it, study it and control it.

We even had a homecoming party and somethings were messed up too but at last Stark and Peter handled. Peter didn't even cared to tell me about that, he even got bit scolding from Stark, May and me but at last what we cared was his safety. Stark gave him his suit back and everything was again back to normal, until one Sunday.

"I know you are busy but my son is very naughty and stubborn. He wants to stay with you." laughed Mrs. González.

"No problem, I love children. Go with your husband and enjoy your date. Good luck!" I smiled. I didn't like children, they were like little devils to me.

I went in my house with Rudy, I was exhausted cleaning and rearranging my house. "Do you wanna eat?" I asked the little devil.

"No, I want to play!" he quaked in his annoying voice.

"Ok." I sighed. 'What to do with him? He can't drink, underage. Can't watch movies or shows with him, too young.' I thought but then an idea struck my mind "You wait here, I'll quickly make a playroom for you."

"You will make it? All by yourself?" he asked.

"Did I stutter?" I said and went to the empty store room. I formed more rooms in the store room. I entered the first and conjured toys, slides and swings. 'Wow! I can do that too!' I wondered.

"Is it ready?" Rudy shouted.

"Yes, sugar!" I yelled back.

"Woah! My goodness! That is so good!" he stared in awe.

"You can play here, call my name if you need anything." I said and went to check other rooms "I can do that, so there are so many things I can do, like spy on a celebrity- No that is bad, I can see upcoming movies here, yes! I can make a room to see movies in 9d, it will look realistic but it will be illusions." I said to myself and started with my work.


"Done!" I wiped my hands, I made a design and only few snaps were needed to make it real. SNAP! A movie theater SNAP! A room which spies on everyone in the world, evil, I know but had privacy thing to, in streets and mall, a big CCTV camera and finally I made a room to live in my dreams. I felt like living a dream-Disney-film.

"Y/N! I want to eat something." Rudy said as he walked inside the room.

"Ok, I will make you something. Nuggets?" I asked him.

"I love nuggets!" he jumped in joy.

"Good! Stay in the playroom, I am going to make you nuggets" I said and went out.


"Take a sip of my secret potion,

I'll make you fall in love,

It's a spell that can't be broken,

One drop should be enough,

Boy, you belong to me!

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