Dr. Nagel

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We reached Sharon's apartment, Sam got into better clothes and I changed back to what I was wearing. 

(Minus the purse)

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(Minus the purse)

"Where are you going? We just got here." Zemo asked as I walked to the balcony.

"I really need to talk to Loki, there's been a big misunderstanding." I replied.

"Oh! The one who called you between the meeting. I told you to keep your phone on silent!" he mocked me.

"It vibrated." I justified.

"Selby's dead!"

"Not my fault!"

"Enough you two!" Bucky pulled Zemo and made him sit on a chair. 

"Learn something from him!" I told Zemo.

I went to the balcony and saw the High Town, even in the late night it was bright with lights. I took a deep breath and called Loki.

"Yes? Are you coming back?" he answered the phone.

"I can't, I am on a mission. Now, tell me, where were you?" I asked him calmly, I wasn't calm at all.

"I went to New Asgard and there was Thor, a small crisis happened so I immediately had to leave I thought to call you which I did but my messages weren't reaching you so I informed Val's girlfriend."

"Oh yes! She told me."

"Right! There was this man, Gorr. He killed so many gods so to stop him Thor came back and-"

"Thor was here? On Earth?" 

"Yeah, his girl- ex girlfriend Jane was there too. Well, somehow she was worthy of Mjolnir and the hammer got back into it's old form, and she became Thor..." he continued to tell me his story and ended with a heartbreaking truth, "She died, she had cancer. I am at her funeral, her friend Darcy's here and Selvig." He sighed, "But Thor adopted a girl, Love."

"That's sweet. What's her name?" I asked.



"It's her name- L,O,V,E." 

"Lovely! Well, now it's my turn. I can't tell you where I am because the call can be traced so I'll just say I am on a mission. We are here to find out who recreated the super soldier serum..." I told him about my case, of course by not spilling the important and confidential information. "I got to know who my mother is."

"Something bad happened, right?" he asked, he knew.

"She's a cold blooded witch and she gave me up because she was drained of her powers when she gave birth to me. Also I am Hecate, well, an incarnation and she told me it's upto me to decide if I should become evil or good." I said and sighed. "It's so confusing, my identity is revealed, no one remembers Peter and I keep facing problems back to back."

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