Peter Parker's Perfect Plan

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Once we walk through the plan, we wore the suits. Peter's suit looked exactly like his homecoming suit but it was more advanced, it had an unlimited supply of web shooters and the durability was better. My suit was totally different, it was Nano-tech. Designed to control my body and threw a power blast like any other Ironman suit, it flew but it was slightly different. It had lassos of Nano-tech, and the design belonged to Tony but it was under my name, I wondered why. The blasts were purple which made it more like a magical suit but it was all Nano-tech.

 The blasts were purple which made it more like a magical suit but it was all Nano-tech

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Entering London airspace, we saw the huge raiding on the Tower bridge. It was an Elemental fusion. "Woah! You sure that's not real?" Happy asked.

"Yeah, it's a hundred times bigger than I expected." Peter said. He rode the side of the Stark jet.

"Knowing Beck, this is exactly what I expected." I commented, I flew beside the jet.

"Still the same plan?" Happy asked.

"Yeah, Happy. Get the jet as high as you can so Beck doesn't see us." I ordered.

"Happy, we need to have a serious conversation about you and aunt!" Peter fell due to the pressure of the wind.

"I can set you up with up her, just give me 500 bucks." I said and flew down.

I saw Peter head dive into the Elemental Fusion above, he equipped himself with his new parachute to slow down his altitude and used his paraglider to move forward into through the illusion. I told myself the illusions' not real and entered it. It looked majestic from the inside.

"Now that's some multiverse in madness shit!" Peter jumped on a drone, he looked at me.

"Nah, I won't stop ya." I smiled at him. 

We started connecting one drone to the other, I used the lassos and Peter did the job with webs. Once we finished settling the webs and the lasso to some of the drones, I took a moment to dismount the last drone I was on. Peter shot his web to set off the control of his taser webbing which detonated the amount of electricity being circuited within his webbing on some of the drones that were connected. I looked over to see the illusion being cut off as the drones were exploding.

"It's working, Peter." I informed flew up to him.

"He's there." he said, Beck was hiding underneath some bridge. "I see you."

Unbeknownst of me, Beck called EDITH for protection, causing one of the Combat Drones to attack us. After being hit against the wall and falling down to the ground, I painfully got up from the ground while Peter grunted in pain. 

We ran away from the firing of the many Combat Drones and jumped away, Peter swung across to avoid any crossfire. Taking cover by a car, Peter used his webs to shoot above and use the car in front of him to cling onto and swung up to push the car onto the drones, destroying them completely. Landing on top of the bridge, I saw the drones using flames against us.

 I avoided the flames by flying away from the built in flamethrowers. Peter found a toy and threw it at an abandoned drone's sonic cannon, which projected the toy into the air and the drones overhead attacked it. Based on this, he then devised a plan by using the battery of a broken drone, paired with the broken off sign of the Tower Bridge. After getting his supplies, he prepared to charge forward and attack the drones from above.

Spider-Man apprehends in the air

As the drones saw him running, he used the sign as a shield and threw the battery at the drones, leading them to destroy it. I eliminated the drones that got in his way and flew up along with him. As the drones had exploded next to each other, he used the sign to hoist himself up to one of the upper walkways, breaking the glass floor below it.

 I apprehended Beck and broke his interface dome helmet, which disengaged the remaining drones. "Your lies are over, Boo Boo Kitty!" I grinned.

"This certainly isn't ideal but I have contingencies. EDITH!" Beck said and a drone hit me in the face forcing to drop Beck.

Drones shot Peter repeatedly sending him to the other end, "Just give me the glasses!" Peter said.

"You want these?" Beck mocked us, "Come and get em!" 

The illusion appeared again and I gave Peter a nod as the the reality closed for a while. The surroundings now were a black void, exactly what I lived in. With my eyes turned black, I ran towards the hall once I took a deep breath.

Spider-Man fighting against

I then jumped up to the side of the wall and punched down an incoming drone from down under. I continued to attack the numerous drones by using my superhuman agility and strength to dodge away any incoming fire or drone charging at me. Using the pipes on the ceiling for more leverage, I kicked down a drone and stopped one of them with my bare hands, I then blasted it with the plasma bolt formed by my suit. I grabbed another drone with a lasso and split it to two pieces, and stabbed any incoming drone that got in front of me.

As the dark illusion fell apart, Peter used drone as a shield to protect himself from fire until he broke free and pushed a drone back. Once Beck was shot down by drone that was pushed. 

"Peter, you ok?" I asked Peter, he nodded. The fight was over, we won. "Aw! Those drones were cute. Did your husband give them to you?" I mocked Beck.

As he lied down, Beck said "Tricking you, Parker, was the modt disappointing part of my plan. Stark was right. These belong to you." He handed Peter the EDITH.

Unknown to us, the Beck we were talking to was another illusion. The mortally wounded Beck attempted to kill Peter with a pistol, but Peter quickly disarmed him and reclaimed the glasses. "Did not see that coming!" I exclaimed.

"You can't trick me anymore." Peter said powerfully. And that was the moment he became Spider-man.


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