We are not doing 'Get Help'!

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As Loki typed the password and I enchanted guards mind, telling them to sleep. Thor leant to the wall beside the door. For few minutes, we didn't talk until The Lord-The God of Thunder broke silence.

"We should talk!" he said.

"I disagree! Open communications was never our family's forte." Loki replied as we entered the room.

"My dear, quite revelation since we last spoke." Thor said and lifted his gun along with his brother.

"Hello losers!" I said as I snapped and the guard fell on the ground "Nap time!"

"Darling, I hate to say this but you ruined the fun here." Loki sighed.

"Oh please!" I looked at him with puppy eyes.

We walked to the lift while he blabbered about his family but shut when a guard threatened him, Thor dispatched the guard by forcing him to shot the floor and the man flew up "You didn't wanted to talk about it." I heard Thor say as he entered the lift.

"Here's a thing, I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar." Loki said.

"Y/N?" Thor looked at me.

"I'm ok with that." I spoke "After all, we are enough to defeat her. Am I right, Thor?" 

"That's exactly what I was thinking." Thor patted Loki's back, I saw him sneakily planting a chip on his back.

'Whatever, you are planning to do make sure I am part of it.' 

'Wha- Who? Y/N? You can't just enter my mind like that!'

'Thor, please! I am a god forsaken witch. I am a lot more powerful than you. I am either a part of this plan or it won't happen.'

'Seems like my brother's love influenced you, you speak like him-think, actually. Anyways, I know he is going to betray me by giving me to the old man. I don't know if you are a part of that but I am trusting you, I will leave him here and take the ship.'

'We were deciding that earlier but-well, I am down for this. I'll help you defeat you emo sis and then we will drop me and Banner safely to our house, Earth and about your brother. Don't leave his side after this. He loves you.'

'Thanks for helping me, sister-in-law.'


'I will do that again, later.'

'If you do that again, ever, I will not hesitate killing you.'

'Meant for each other!'


'Can he hear our thoughts? He can read minds.'

'I am practising magic since my childhood and have a good control on it. He may be experienced but I am more powerful.'

"Let's do 'Get Help'!" Thor spoke.

"What?" Loki asked.

"Get Help!" he replied.


"Yes, you love it!" 

"I hate it, it's humiliating!" 

"What are you both talking about?" I asked curiously. 

"Thor no!" Loki said.

"Thor yes! Tell me" I objected.

"It's his favourite game." Thor said.

"It isn't" Loki protested.

"Typical!" I rolled my eyes.

"We are doing it." Thor started again.

"We are not doing 'Get Help'!" Loki announced.

The lift opened and Thor with Loki on his shoulders, pretending to be faint walked out "Get help! My brother is dying! HELP HIM!" Thor threw his brother on the guards.

"I-I could've just, you know, use my magic but this is ok too." I commented.

"Classic!" Thor said as Loki got up.

"It's humiliating!" he said fixing his clothes.

"Did I embarrassed you in front of your-"

"Anyways! That's the ship, The Commodore." Loki said as Thor and I walked ahead of him "Though, I feel it won't make much of a difference-"

"Oh sugar!" I sighed as me and Thor turned back.

"I've betrayed you many times before, but this time it's truly nothing personal. The reward for your capture will set us up nicely." Loki said.

"Us?" I asked.

"We are together, aren't we?" he smiled.

"Never one for sentiment, were you?" Thor asked.

"Easier to let it burn." Loki grinned.

"I agree!" Thor said as he took out obedience disk controller.

"The Obedience disk! That's what you planted on his back?" I looked at Thor.

"Love?" he looked at me as Thor turned the disk on.

"I don't know what to say but-" Thor knelt down "you just got Loki'd!"

"This is bad!" I walked behind Thor as we left Loki lying on the floor.

"I'll pick him after the battle with my sister." Thor said trying to start the ship.

 "You better do that!" I warned him, something didn't felt right.

Thor banged some buttons "It isn't starting!" 

"Why don't you try pressing the buttons?" I suggested.

"I am!" he almost broke one.

"Gently!" I said "Press it gently!"


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